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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 215    Comments: (2)
  Hello! Q&A BEYOOOOONDS (6/7/2024)  
  Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 19:36, 7-Jun 2024  
  2024/6/7 Hello! Q&A


Q: What are words you recently searched on the net?

Shimakura Rika
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Balsamic vinegar / too yummy

Nishida Shiori
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Hooke's Law / official

Eguchi Saya
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It's "Roasted soy bread"!
I'm too obsessed with roasted soy bread, so have been searching to see if nearby convenience stores or bakeries sell it!

Takase Kurumi
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The performance times and periods of plays I want to see! lol

Maeda Kokoro
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Umeboshi / recommendation
I've recently become able to eat umeboshi (picked dried plums), so have been looking for recommendations on what's good for umeboshi beginners!

Yamazaki Yuhane
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How to make cabbage rolls

Okamura Minami
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Dogs, chicks, friends.
This is really my everyday healing ♡

Kiyono Momohime
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"響声破笛丸" (KHG)
Do you know how to read that??? I want you to look it up。。。

Hirai Miyo
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Frozen baked sweet potato / online ordering

Kobayashi Honoka
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I looked up "○○ Station Western snacks" wondering if there were any Western snack shops at a nearby station~.
There was a super delicious scone place!

Satoyoshi Utano
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"Strawberry picking season"
I wanna go strawberry picking!! I've looked up many times how long the season runs…。


Credits to mekia for the source and Koektrommel for the banners!

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