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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 215    Comments: (2)
  Hello! Q&A Tsubaki Factory (5/30/2024)  
  Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 19:48, 30-May 2024  
  2024/5/30 Hello! Q&A

Tsubaki Factory

Q: What has changed the most about you between 5 years ago and now?

Niinuma Kisora
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I've become able to have confidence in myself!

Tanimoto Ami
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How I can't make my tiredness go away

Ono Mizuho
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Eh~~~, I wonder what's changed~。
Since I was 18 five years ago, I think the way I think about things has changed. Also my hairstyle, thickness of my bangs.

Onoda Saori
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I've become able to be more forward-looking than in the past.

Akiyama Mao
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My hairsytle!
No bangs → Bangs
Long → Short bob

Kasai Yuumi
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My fashion preferences!!! I aimed to be stylish!

Yagi Shiori
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I guess I haven't changed much.
When I return to my hometown everyone tells me I haven't changed.
If I had to say, I feel like I have increased motivation for accomplishment!

Fukuda Marine
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I've become more careful about different things!

Yofuu Runo
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My height?

Ishii Mihane
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Five years ago I couldn't ride a train by myself, but now I've become able to.

Murata Yuu
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It's my personality.
My shyness has transformed into a desire to stand out.

Doi Fuka
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It's the thickness of my hair.
Compared to the past, I think the thickness of my bangs has lessened.

Original Japanese text:

Thanks to Chuzzle (MoMoKo) for the graphics, and mekia for the source!

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