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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 215    Comments: (2)
  Hello! Q&A MM'24 (3/26/2024)  
  Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 14:23, 28-Mar 2024  
  2024/3/26 Hello! Q&A

Morning Musume '24

Q: What points do you consider when choosing shoes?

Ikuta Erina
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Whether they're cute or not.

Ishida Ayumi
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Whether they have the cushion quality to not tire me out after walking around, and also if they're easy to put on and take off.

Oda Sakura
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Whether they're cute!
Whether it's made smaller than even 22.5cm!

Nonaka Miki
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Design quality ・ ease of wearing

Makino Maria
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Shoes where I won't get tired after walking in them, and that make my feet look pretty.

Haga Akane
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Whether they make my bunions hurt.

Yokoyama Reina
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Generally the ease of walking in them!
I think about whether I could walk in them for a long period of time.

Kitagawa Rio
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How easy they are to wear, and whether they look good with my clothes!
Since even with shoes that look the same there might be small differences, and I'm fairly concerned with the length of boots too!

Okamura Homare
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Cute ones ♪♪

Yamazaki Mei
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I choose shoes that perfectly fit the size of my feet!

Sakurai Rio
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I try to avoid matching types of shoes I already own, and make sure I can put them on and take them off quickly!

Inoue Haruka
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Whether they improve my height!
More than whether they tire out my feet, I put priority on improving how my height looks.

Yumigeta Ako
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Whether I can zip them up while standing.

Original Japanese text:

Thanks to Chuzzle for the graphics, and mekia for the source!

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