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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 215    Comments: (2)
  Hello! Q&A Angerme (3/20/2024)  
  Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 14:19, 21-Mar 2024  
  2024/3/20 Hello! Q&A


Q: What color reflects your current mood?

Kamikokuryou Moe
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Cherry blossom color

Kawamura Ayano
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A sparkly light blue!
I'm knitting right now, and since I'm using a sparkly light blue yarn it gives me that mood!

Sasaki Rikako
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Ise Layla
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Pale light blue

Hashisako Rin
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Purple (since I'm broke)

Kawana Rin
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A color like a sunny winter sky

Tamenaga Shion
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It's yellow!
Since I'm wearing something yellow-checked that I just bought, and it's giving me HAPPY cheerful feelings!!

Matsumoto Wakana
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It's orange!
Though I don't really know why, since I'm feeling so incredibly full of energy, I thought it'd probably be orange!

Hirayama Yuki
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Blue! Since I'm calm!

Shimoitani Yukiho
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It's navy blue.
Since I'm really sleepy right now.

Goto Hana
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Since I'm with Hashisako-san!

Original Japanese text:

Thanks to Chuzzle for the graphics, and mekia for the source!

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