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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 215    Comments: (2)
  Hello! Q&A BEYOOOOONDS (3/15/2024)  
  Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 2:31, 17-Mar 2024  
  2024/3/15 Hello! Q&A


Q: What kind of scent do you like?

Shimakura Rika
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I like nature smells.
Like a forest or the sea!

Nishida Shiori
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The scent of a bakery

Eguchi Saya
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Not floral types or citrus types, but I like things which have a bit of a tree scent to them!

Takase Kurumi
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The scent of soap!

Maeda Kokoro
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I like soap types and fragrant olive~。

Yamazaki Yuhane
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The scent of white tea!

Okamura Minami
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I love the scent of soap!
That "soap" feel you don't get from perfume and things!

Kiyono Momohime
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If we're talking like incense or aromas, sandalwood and ylang-ylang!
Talking perfumes for top-note it'd be something like jasmine or tea types, and for last-note I like wood types!

Hirai Miyo
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Nn~… I haven't yet encountered a scent that I'd say this about!

Kobayashi Honoka
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I like orientalish scents which are a bit unique!

Satoyoshi Utano
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In winter it's musk and gourmand!
I like slightly sweet scents!
When spring comes it makes me want to put on scents like jasmine types, and so I'm looking a lot up!


Credits to mekia for the source and Koektrommel for the banners!

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