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There have been 18 items by matt9210 (Search limited from 24-September 14)

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  1. matt9210

    Made a comment, Aug 22 2020 04:12 AM

    Just on here at 4am experiencing some serious nostalgia/reliving the crisis felt by all during the Pyocopyoco Ultra era.

  2. matt9210

    Made a comment, Mar 15 2018 01:04 PM

    Vague question but dying for an answer! Anyone in Japan at the moment, does anyone know what girl group song is really popular at the moment? I hear this song in public so much, and not a clue what it is. And the only lyrics I remember are "Sakura kimi wo....", and even that may be wrong xD But it's a light pop song, with a catchy melody, and I can't type a melody :(

    • bray528's Photo
      I'm not sure, but it might be: "Sakura Saku Aoi Haru (さくら咲く青い春)" by SILENT SIREN.
  3. matt9210

    Made a comment, May 15 2017 12:11 AM

    So for one of my modules, we have to write an essay on two different Japanese media, and what they show us about Japan/popular culture, and compare the similarities/contradictions they show us. For music, it can be an artist or one of their works. Anything in particular you guys think would be interesting?

    • Lurkette's Photo
      Like two musical acts or music act vs film?
    • onesnowyday's Photo
      I mean, there was that one MV by MeseMoa recently that got really big because it had all the guy idols kissing each other. You could relate it to Japan and their openness towards this subject?
  4. matt9210

    Made a comment, Nov 05 2016 04:00 PM

    Never understood the hate for poor Seishun Kozou ga Naiteiru, I love that song :P

    • Mixi's Photo
      Me too. It's better than so many other a-sides.
    • Fluffis's Photo
      It is easily better than Egao, Tokyo and OaO for me. I still don't dig the pauses and the chanting, but I love the beat and the rest.
  5. matt9210

    Made a comment, Oct 12 2015 12:11 PM

    Just had my first H!P concert in Japan, ANGERME! A lady was laughing at how happy my face was when I realised I get to shake all their hands!! I had no idea this happened, feeling starstruck!

    • Zabieru's Photo
      Congratulations man! Wish I could have been there.
    • Tony Oguri's Photo
      Tony Oguri
      Wow! That is an awesome deal. Sasaki is in ANGERME, right? Tell us what it was like to shake hands with her.
  6. matt9210

    Made a comment, Oct 12 2015 04:41 AM

    A little short notice, but I'm going to see ANGERME tonight in Nagoya, and this is my first H!P concert in Japan. Does my ticket number actually mean anything in terms of how good my seat is? It's only a 1100 capacity venue, so wondering if it's first come first serve in terms of seats?

    • Lurkette's Photo
      First come, first serve, yes. Mostly standing room, if not standing room only. Your ticket number may refer to your place in line, or it may not. Ask when you get there.
    • matt9210's Photo
      Awesome, thanks!
  7. matt9210

    Made a comment, Sep 05 2015 07:15 PM

    2 and a half weeks til I start my year abroad in Nagoya. SO EXCITED :D

    • Obsidian's Photo
      Take us with you!!!
    • Tony Oguri's Photo
      Tony Oguri
      That sounds awesome! Good on you!!
    • matt9210's Photo
      Thanks Tony, very excited :D Will be my first time in Japan too!

      It'll cost you Obsidian :P
  8. matt9210

    Made a comment, Aug 08 2015 01:55 AM

    Momokuro finding out they'll be releasing a new album and doing a 5 dome tour next year.....through song xD Love their reactions, what an achievement :D (go to 3:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lOLQ8hXvxc

  9. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jul 24 2015 08:05 PM

    Just joined Ayumi Hamasaki's global fan club, so hopefully get to see her FC only shows this year ^_^ Surprises me H!P doesn't have a global fan club considering how much more they promote themselves to the international fanbase these days.

    • Obsidian's Photo
      I really wish they would. Whoever at UF patrols this forum please introduce and international H!P fan club!
    • Moondoggie's Photo
      They aren't forward thinking enough for that kind of thing. They just seem to tolerate foreign fans and keep them at arms length. Good for the money if they can find an angle to make more money out of them by taking commission from a proxy service but not something they care about.
    • VioletDreamer's Photo
      I really wish that they would start one.
  10. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jul 24 2015 03:40 AM

    Having only recently put ANGERME on my iTunes, it hurts the OCD in me to have them seperately from S/mileage

    • Shinyun226's Photo
      I don't know if Itunes supports something similar but I circumvented this on MediaGo by setting the reading for アンジュルム to スマイレージ www
    • Paramorning's Photo
      iTunes has a feature that lets you keep the names separate but sort them together. Right click > get info > sorting > then put 'スマイレージ' in the 'artist sort as' section.
    • matt9210's Photo
      Done, thanks! If I have S/mileage on shuffle, still have to go seperately to Angerme on the iPod though :P
  11. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jul 19 2015 06:12 PM

    Which H!P groups did you used to like quite a lot, then just lost interest in? I became a H!P fan in 2008 and remember discovering Berryz, and they just had amazing song one after another. Then Maji Bomber happened. And for the most part, it went downhill for me, with at least half their singles not doing much for me. Also J=J, I liked their first two indies and their major debut, but got kinda bored of them. What about you guys? :)

    • SakiLuckys's Photo
      Excuse my horrible English today and grammar. I'm typing too fast and i'm very tired.
    • Tony Oguri's Photo
      Tony Oguri
      Interesting. There used to be a subset of ladies I really liked. But now, there's Kudo, Sasaki, Miyamoto who are just as good. It's probably a matter of time. Not enough time to watch everything. That said, I wouldn't pass up the chance to see Haruka, Rikako,or Karin live.
    • matt9210's Photo
      Interesting reading your replies guys, thanks! Kind of a shame it happens, I remember the days discovering H!P and really, really loving it, regularly buying normal merch and the pride of owning rare FC merch ^_^
  12. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jul 08 2015 01:42 AM

    First concert ticket for Japan sorted! Got my ticket for Ayaka, and applying for the FC lottery to see C-ute on Halloween. Fingers crossed! (I'm gonna be so poor xD)

  13. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jun 26 2015 07:59 PM

    So after being told I've passed second year of uni (though they haven't told me the grade yet), I'm 100% going to Nagoya for a year from September! Now to decide where in Asia to go to for a week before I start uni in Japan!

    • matt9210's Photo
      And I've just seen that there's an H!P shop in Nagoya, sweeeeet!
    • KeriChan12's Photo
      Congratulations! That's awesome news! :D
  14. matt9210

    Made a comment, Jun 08 2015 08:51 PM

    Just found out about this singer (Sakurako Ohara). Such a beautiful voice, reminds me of Ai Takahashi's :) http://www.jpopsuki.tv/video/Sakurako-Ohara---Hitomi/aa011521b68d56e372fe273aed77bcf4

  15. matt9210

    Made a comment, Apr 11 2015 03:43 AM

    Does anyone know of any good services to use to join a Japanese artists' fan club from outside of Japan? Fan Clubber is too expensive for me to just join one fan club (Namie Amuro's)

  16. matt9210

    Made a comment, Dec 28 2014 08:57 PM

    Listening to C-ute's singles from the beginning, and Tokaikko Junjou came on. Reminded me of the days when that was their best selling single, and everyone would hope the newest single would beat its sales (38k). How times change! :P

  17. matt9210

    Made a comment, Nov 27 2014 05:45 PM

    So I've been allocated my university for my year abroad in Japan from September, and I got Nagoya! :D

  18. matt9210

    Made a comment, Nov 02 2014 10:08 PM

    where was it momoko wore a tshirt saying "bitch" on it? talking about engrish tshirts with my friend xD

    • JuulChii's Photo
      ^ Buono wore their Our Song clothes there XD

      And I thought it was on the clothes of Renai Rider?
    • Krusha's Photo
      I am personally a fan of Aichans' "I'm a whore." shirt. Quality right there.
    • matt9210's Photo
      Thanks guys! In stitches, never saw Aichan's :')