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There have been 4 items by anhh (Search limited from 15-February 15)

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  1. anhh

    Made a comment, Aug 01 2015 10:53 AM


  2. anhh

    Made a comment, Apr 02 2015 02:22 PM

    Less or more people are going to do jokes about those Miichan and Takamina pictures until the end of time...

  3. anhh

    Made a comment, Mar 24 2015 03:00 AM

    So, that Tokyo Idol Project: 1. A website: http://tokyoidol.jp/ 2. TIF 2015 3. A monthly streamed event (developing...)

    • anhh's Photo
      Some local idol and next generation idol thing...
    • anhh's Photo
      A monthly TV show...
    • anhh's Photo

      And the main site does have some content. For example Dianna Sweet: http://tokyoidol.jp/?p=1181
  4. anhh

    Made a comment, Mar 21 2015 08:46 PM

    That Idoling!!! video people are trashing about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_n7WFmkQhQ

    • Krusha's Photo
      This loads incredibly slow, but fripSide at Animelo Summer 2010 concert. The reason I link, is because at a specific part, they all do the PPPH move (which is a big part of many 48G songs as well). Look how many fans jump up in coordination with the music from the 1m18s mark: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NTAwMzAw.html

    • Krusha's Photo
      If you watch AKB48/SKE48/NMB48's Request Hour concerts, you'll see that in certain songs when the PPPH occurs, and fans do the woooHEY! jump etc. the other girls who are up on stage behind the performing girls, will also jump too. I guess it's just Idoling!!! management that are a bit stupid. If I understood it correctly, momusu wotas on 2ch commenting in a thread thought it was stupid to "bite the hand that feeds you".
    • Krusha's Photo
      Upper right corner, Shiichan and Sasshii from 2010's RH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6jY0FfPnc0#t=2m10s

      Both girls doing PPPH together with the fans, and jumping. Yeah, several aspects of wotagei are very fun in concerts, others not so much (doing romansu all of a sudden will annoy others, or doing loud calls at the part of a song where nobody should do any calls). But these things exists in order to make it a fun event - for both the girls and the fans.