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Krusha's Content

There have been 79 items by Krusha (Search limited from 27-September 14)

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  1. Krusha

    Made a comment, Jun 11 2019 02:22 PM

    The spammer is obviously taken care of (banned) so there's no need to report this user anymore.

  2. Krusha

    Made a comment, Nov 14 2019 07:16 AM

    This year's NHK Kouhaku participants: https://www.nhk.or.jp/kouhaku/artist/index.html

    • tadase's Photo
      lol AKB is only there because IZONE had these rigging scandals
  3. Krusha

    Made a comment, Dec 10 2019 07:58 PM

    Oh well.

  4. Krusha

    Made a comment, Jan 08 2020 01:20 AM

    PSA: If you have PM's, blogs, etc. from H!O that you want to save, please make a backup now. You never know what can happen, & when.

    • Krusha's Photo
      If you read my post again, you'll see I didn't mention anything about you closing the site. But backups of valuable things are always worth doing.
    • claneksi's Photo
      In any case, thank you for the heads up, and thank you for remaining committed to this community.
    • Krusha's Photo
      Now that you're here haku, would you fix the bugs and errors that users have reported many times, & I have mentioned months ago in email?