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There have been 56 items by ajma93632 (Search limited from 14-June 14)

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  1. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jan 21 2018 07:21 PM

    Nana Okada being annouced as the new center for the new AKB single confirms my theory about how to be an AKB top member.

    • minaeshi's Photo
      Rino's grad wouldn't be related to Naachan's firt center at all, since Naachan was already very popular before people started to know the other members of STU, so she's always been #1 in STU, and her popularity in AKB has been on the rise since 2015. With only Mayu gone and Mion's rank down last year, it's really no surprise they picked her.
    • minaeshi's Photo
      Plus it helps to push STU more into the public eye, just as having Sakura as the center of AKB helped HKT's relevance a lot. I can't say you can use that theory on the sister groups tho..
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @minaeshi The same reason you mentioned is why I think Rino's grad could be related, because after she left STU the group lost a top member representative (a member who has been center and at least has ranked into senbatsu in SSK), so since Nana has already ranked into senbatsu all she needed was a center tittle and she got it. And it'll help a lot to STU. Because every 48 group needs a top member and even if she's popular the center tittle is necessary. I can share you a doc I ma...
  2. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Feb 07 2018 06:33 AM

    They news about Produce 48 confirm my suspicions, Mnet wants to beomce the korean AKS by creating its own AKB like in 2010 with many related units.

  3. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Feb 28 2018 10:40 PM

    I wonder, what if Kara returns with new members and with Youngji as the leader? Technically she never left Kara.

    • WorldGN18's Photo
      Kara T.T
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @GetRapper I don't know if you've seen but it shows like if KAra is still alive with only one member.
    • GetRapper's Photo
      I did see it! :)
      She did so well too! KARA is beloved in Japan still, I'm glad people still appreciate their music.
  4. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 09 2018 06:16 PM

    Can somebody tell me what is Sakmichi management thinking now? New members?

    • ajma93632's Photo
      @RenaiHunter If this were an one-time event I could see it as a good idea, but I really doubt it. My fear is that Sakamichi also follow the path of adding more members to maintain the groups selling power like AKB. Isn't it supposed that Nogi's concept as AKB rivals that they won't lose by having less members?
    • minaeshi's Photo
      the smart thing for them to do would be to focus on the girls they already have so that the groups ALWAYS sell well, even if they popular members aren't present. then when a lot of them start graduating, that's when you add new members.
    • minaeshi's Photo
      3rd gen joining nogi is understandable, to make up for the past and upcoming graduations in nogi. 2nd gen keyaki hiragana members made sense to make kanji and hiragana's parallel. this? doesn't make anymore sense than yoshimotozaka.
  5. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 13 2018 11:13 PM

    Just a few hours ago I discovered that AKB spring single features photocards from the 46 girls who are in the SakamichiAKB unit, and this also happened since two years ago. Then why are people saying they won't get 1M salesfor the 1st day?

    • ajma93632's Photo
      @taylorniw yeah, that and probably they'd like to blame the fact almost all of their top members are gone.
    • SailorKame's Photo
      it's sad how many gimmicks are needed now to keep the one million weekly streak going.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @SailorKame Sad indeed and the saddest part is that they have to rely on other groups to reach the 1m goal, which has been happen since the 1st moment.
  6. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 20 2018 12:53 AM

    Wanna One is a disaster, bring back IOI, please!

  7. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Apr 09 2018 07:47 PM

    Just for curiosity, how much does a plaintain cost in your country? My mother bought 20 with $1 more likely because they are from my country. But in your case?

    • Juandalyn's Photo
      Here it's one for 2€ but they're super rare.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @juandalyn Interesting, it's even more expensive in Europe, more likely because of distance. Unlike here in Ecuador where you can find them in almost every market of the coast region.
    • kurebesu's Photo
      at my work it's one for $2 (converted to dollars) but people rarely buy them!
  8. ajma93632

    Made a comment, May 10 2018 12:11 PM

    Even though the format of Produce48 remains unexplained, I can tell something about it in one word: RIGGED.

    • Blu-Cherri's Photo
      I heard pevious p101 the contestants voted? With so many hkt members the rest of 48 probably rallied around Sakura whist the other contestants probably split their votes
    • Blu-Cherri's Photo
      for the centre*

    • ajma93632's Photo
      @Blu-Cherri even if that's true, the song was supposed to have 2 centers and Mnet just focus on Sakura, the same happened in the teaser that give her a little more screentime even though her face was blurred. It's like she's Mnet new fav.
  9. ajma93632

    Made a comment, May 16 2018 06:14 PM

    I missed you all guys, I'm so happy the site is back :)

  10. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jun 03 2018 09:38 AM

    I think I fell in love with Hiragana Keyakizaka, they're awesome and need to debut in a single.

  11. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jun 13 2018 01:56 PM

    You know what'd be funny? That Uta returns and she becomes MM 15th gen XD

  12. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jun 23 2018 04:39 AM

    If Mnet really wants HKT48 Sakura to be in the top 12 of Produce48, then they should stop giving her this "push", it will only create hate for her. What were the judhes thinking when they gave her an A?

    • minaeshi's Photo
      I think she did great but I think they did her more harm than good giving her an A simply because she has the "potential" to be great on the show.. should have given her B class, she still would have been happy but now she once again has a burden over her head due to mgmt push. tragic.
    • taylorniw's Photo
      Rigged for dayzzz. Notice how she got to perform the Japanese version when she should have had to do the Korean version to parallel the Korean trainees’ Japanese version. They just gotta make sure some popular Japanese girls make it to the end.
    • beyooooonk's Photo
      Are you guys forgetting about the part of the show right near the end where the judges remarked, "Wow, nearly all the Japanese trainees tried the Korean version well, but the Koreans did not give as much effort to sing in Japanese." Did you guys skip the end part where they mentioned this?
  13. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jul 02 2018 05:22 PM

    Nogizaka has reached a point where there are more senbatsu material members than spaces in the senbatsu.

    • ajma93632's Photo
      Yeah, but I don't know how management will act with this situation.
    • minaeshi's Photo
      at this point the best thing to do is swap out some old faces in favor of newer ones so that when graduations start being more frequent, the group can still stand on two feet. there are lots of senbatsu ready girls who haven't been given that chance yet but have no intention to graduate soon
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @minaeshi I totally agree, the closest senbatsu to that idea was on the 19th single where Manatsu was put on 3rd row, but they gave her a song with Maiyan. Management could easily put some popular members out of senbatsu and give them solo or group songs for them so their fans won't get so displeased.
  14. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jul 06 2018 01:21 AM

    Double A-side VS joint senbatsu (for Keyakizaka new single), make your bet.

    • taylorniw's Photo
      Neither, they're not very adventurous.
    • megumibex's Photo
      normal kanji senbatsu is my bet but I hope for double a-side
  15. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Oct 10 2018 06:11 AM

    So Yoshimotozaka46 already annouced its first senbatsu, this group intrigues me a lot.

  16. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Oct 25 2018 10:37 PM

    It's my second time buying Cds but I think it'll be my last, I can't bear how much I have to pay to the courier company.

    • IchVermisseDenSommer's Photo
      look at forum posts like that. When things like this started in Ger I was still in the cosplay community and since we imported so much stuff this was a hot topic. Your country probably has communities like this as well and they surely discussed this before. DHL only started doing this at least in Ger 2 or 3 years ago. Chances are they did so in your country as well.
    • Juandalyn's Photo
      I feel it. I rarely order stuff even from the US because everything from outside the EU gets weird additional import taxes.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @IchVernisseDenSommer The answer is negative and she told me what you mentioned. I'll be paying that because the package is here and I'm sick of that bs. I guess if I'm willing to buy Cds next tiem I'll do it from another store that doesn't automatically uses DHL for shipping.
  17. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Dec 31 2018 05:41 PM

    2019 will be Kaede's year, mark my words XD

  18. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jan 21 2019 06:45 PM

    My country is becoming more violent day by day, it's so sad.

    • tadase's Photo
      Same about my country, which is the Philippines. Still trying to see the silver lining in it though. Hugs, mate!
    • ajma93632's Photo
      Mine is Ecuador there have been crimes of rape, and murder, nad the last one was made by a man from Venezuela and people have gone crazy and started to go to all the places where venezuelan people live and started to take thier things and burn them outside.
  19. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Jan 28 2019 08:07 AM

    I'm so glad Wanna One is finally over, I never liked the group and Minhyun can go back to NU'EST. #Sorrynotsorry

    • ShiningLight445's Photo
      Lol you're not the only one. I didn't care much for them either
    • tadase's Photo
      Same. I liked Spring Breeze tho. It felt so nostalgic.
  20. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Feb 01 2019 08:46 AM

    Keyaki's Kuroi Hitsuji really got me, I can't help crying when I watch the mv

  21. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Feb 11 2019 06:26 AM

    Hiragana Keyaki has finally announced its first single, these girls deserve it. I'm so happy for them.

  22. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Feb 23 2019 03:56 AM

    Guys like 18 hours ago there were two earthquakes in my country, the second was in my city and they occurred between the 5:00 and 5:30 ( time of Ecuador) so people almost all of the people were still sleeping. I was so scared, specially for the secind one because I felt it stronger tha the first. Now things are okay, but I guess it'd be a bit difficult to sleep tonight.

    • ajma93632's Photo
      Thanks, fortunetaly nothing happened with my family, but one person died and there were injured people and damaged houses. I still remember when the first earthquake came it was a bit long but not so strong, and when it ended we all went back to sleep and when I was about to fall sleep the second one came and it was stronger we all go out and after it endend i noticed my legs were shaking and wasn't able to sleep at all, I had to relax for like one hour to finally sleep again. The people...
    • sheikhyerbutay's Photo
      Glad to hear there was only one death and you are okay. Be safe!
    • Lalalaalala's Photo
      Glad to hear you and your family are ok. Stay safe
  23. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 05 2019 06:18 AM

    I know it's good that there are more groups in H!P but what's the point in having more groups if that means releasing 2 singles per year at max? Maybe I'm being selfish but I want more releases.

    • Juandalyn's Photo
      ^This, unfortunately. Which is a shame because singles usually pull in the general public while stage plays and concerts don't.
    • SailorKame's Photo
      at this point I think they've sort of given up trying to pull the general public and are probably just trying to keep their fanbase happy for now.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      I think more concerts and activities help to keep the fanbase but in H!P case, it won't w0do for long if they don't do something to reach to more people. The H!P single made me realize that every new group is practically supported by the same fans of older groups, so it's not like H!P fan base has grown because of the newer groups. So starting by releasing new single they should do something to reach to a wider audience.
  24. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 10 2019 04:45 AM

    I finished Kingdom Hearts 3 two days ago and I still can't get over the ending and epilogue.

  25. ajma93632

    Made a comment, Mar 22 2019 08:26 AM

    AKB is done at this point, even if the group doesn't disband this issue will chase the group forever.

    • ajma93632's Photo
      @Krusha I meant AKB as AKB48G because it has affected the whole franchise, of course some groups not so much like others.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @tadase I just found out about that some days ago and couldn't believe it. It is said MNL is now the AKS guinea pig. So let's see how will this affect the other groups.
    • ajma93632's Photo
      @SailorKame The problem with AKB decline is that now there's this issue. It's not like dealing with problematics members who ended up gratuading or members with scandals. This problem comes from the management and how it has let things go this far, if it wasn't for this then I could have predicted they could reach their 20th anniversary and maybe some years more. But with this I don't know if they could even reach their 15th because they have lost support from the industry and...