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RihoZukki's Content

There have been 5 items by RihoZukki (Search limited from 16-June 14)

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  1. RihoZukki

    Made a comment, Aug 16 2023 03:52 AM

    Happy Birthday to me!

  2. RihoZukki

    Made a comment, Sep 28 2020 01:55 AM

    I keep going through Zukki's thread and looking at the time she lost the weight. Man, it was a great time to be a Zukki fan. I wish she kept it off...

    • RihoZukki's Photo
      I said what I said.
    • tadase's Photo
      Her rebound was to be expected because she was so busy being center for the single she had when she appeared slimmer + the Prism Tour = less time to do the runs she did to actually maintain that figure. Riho also had the gains in 15 but H!P cleverly managed to make it less emphasized. A personal theory of mine is she was let go of her contract for rebounding during Prism, it's been hard to recuperate the costs of her costumes as they had to adjust it more often that they should have....
    • tadase's Photo
      I liked Zukki however she looked though, and her Utakata Saturday night figure has all of the "take that haters" kind of aura because she looked so happy and confident -- and that's what is most important.
  3. RihoZukki

    Made a comment, Mar 18 2020 05:19 AM

    When you find a site that has a bunch of full DVD footage off MM...

  4. RihoZukki

    Made a comment, Jan 01 2017 09:37 AM

    Happy New Years

  5. RihoZukki

    Made a comment, Nov 07 2016 03:44 AM

    I'm so happy for Momoko graduating and getting to do what she loves in the near future. This has stirred the fans and MAN I'm enjoying reading all of these comments and confessions about who should be the next H!P leader. The tension between the MM fans and the ANGERME fans will be epic.