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There have been 72 items by Yasser96 (Search limited from 17-June 14)

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  1. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Apr 02 2015 10:20 PM

    Did you guys see EXO's 'CALL ME BABY' MV. ***fanboy shouts***

  2. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 05 2015 05:52 PM

    Is it bad that I still listen to TIKI BUN as if it's the latest single?

    • iwabo's Photo
      When I was in middle school (long time ago) I was talking to someone about my favorite band at the time. When I was asked for my favorite song and gave my answer I got the reply "but that song is old". I never understood that reaction. As if how recent something is has a significant meaning.
      So to answer your question: No it's not bad, why should it be?
  3. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 06 2015 12:54 PM

    UK election day tomorrow! So excited....NOT!

  4. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 15 2015 09:50 PM

    I really want a LILLIUM Shoujo Junketsu Kageki sequel! I've watched it 3 times now and it never gets old. MM and ANGERME should do more stage plays together.

  5. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 21 2015 02:56 PM

    Updated my signature! I kinda like it.

  6. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 23 2015 07:46 PM

    I haven't watched The Girls Live since god knows when, but can anyone give me an update of the band thing that going on?

    • taylorniw's Photo
      There's been like nothing on it lol.
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Lol, I guess I'm updated now. Thanks taylorniw! #bringbackHELLOPROTIME
  7. Yasser96

    Made a comment, May 29 2015 09:48 PM

    Amuro Namie's Golden Touch MV is so cool! Such a smart concept.

  8. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jun 17 2015 02:11 PM

    After watching the NKYO PV, I think adding 3rd gen to the group has been the single best thing to have ever happened to the group. Well done ANGERME!

  9. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jun 22 2015 01:59 PM

    My A-level exams are finally over! Hopefully I'll get into university in September!

    • All the best to you!!! :)
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Thanks YossieKaorin for the kind comment!

  10. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jun 24 2015 04:56 PM

    Watermelon Puccho is soooo gooood!

  11. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jul 06 2015 02:11 PM

    I Can't wait for GG's Party MV tomorrow! I'm looking forward to the YOU THINK MV more though!

    • Yasser96's Photo
      I feel nothing for Lion Heart though XD. It reminds me too much of 'my oh my' and I never did like that song. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were rocking their short hair in you think - it really suits them well.
    • the rose garden's Photo
      the rose garden
      Sooyoung can shave her head and still look beautiful.
    • Snipey's Photo
      I kinda like the slow jazzy songs. Hyoyeon looks amazing and Sooyoung really suits short hair. I'm not so keen on everyone else's styles tho.
  12. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jul 07 2015 02:31 PM

    Hyoyeon!!! So perfect! #GGParty

  13. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jul 13 2015 05:06 PM

    I wish Oura Hirona came back to Hello! Project and joined MM. For me, she's the single biggest loss H!P has had.

    • Yasser96's Photo
      True, it's obvious she gave up, probably because she didn't make 12th gen. Her performance of suppin to namida does show that she has a better singing voice than arguably any of the 12th gen members. It's a shame she didn't stay in Kenshuusei, but I hope she tries to audition for 13th gen MM in the future.
    • rinafest'19's Photo
      A lot of people speculated her leaving had to do with the AKB stabbing. I miss her so much :/ I love Akane but she would have been my new fave in Morning Musume.
    • Jep, she became inactive immediately after the AKB48 handshake stabbing incident. It's sad that it ended like this.
  14. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Jul 17 2015 12:13 PM

    Since Aika is still a part of H!P, wouldn't it be nice if she was a permanent host of Hello! Station and each week there was a guest MC like GR?

    • usagi_no_kami's Photo
      It'd be nice to have english subs, but why not give her a show to herself where she recaps events from the week like she does on facebook? Another H!P show to watch and good international exposure for Aika and the girls! :)
    • Yasser96's Photo
      The Aika Show anyone? I can picture it now, Aika walking around backstage and during rehearsals with her mic and her surprise English lessons. Has anyone got UFP presidents email? XD
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Also, I'm sure anyone who wants to improve their kanji will appreciate the yojijukugo corner, but an English corner would be so much more interesting watching the girls struggling with the English pronunciation.XD
  15. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 05 2015 06:41 PM

    What's up with this f***ed up YouTube channel hating on everyone???? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkYxworICoBWolUWo5G-u5g

    • Krusha's Photo
      Don't give people like that attention. Simple as that.
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Gotcha. I still can't believe some sad person has time to hate on people like that.
  16. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 06 2015 01:41 PM

    Hashimoto Nagisa looks like a pro in GR!

    • the rose garden's Photo
      the rose garden
      Word (▼ω▼メ)
    • Yasser96's Photo
      I can't believe Nagisa is older than Erina by 4 days. I want her to debut this year, either in Miya's group or ANGERME.
  17. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 25 2015 03:00 PM

    Finished watching GIVE ME MORE LOVE concert again. I miss Sayu so much. '14 was a family, not lineup.

    • RenaiDestiny。's Photo
      As much as I love the '15 members, I can't help but relate. All of the members had some type of relationship together, and when they were together, in the words of JKM, "it gets loud!!" and you never see the smiles wipe off of their face. I wish '15 would become as close as '14 was, although I understand why there's a division because a lot of the 12ki seem reserved (Ogata seems like the only really open one).
    • RenaiDestiny。's Photo
      I know that. But some people end up bonding very quickly once getting to know each other (usually because they have things in common). I think that UFP just needs to separate 12ki from each other for a while, and pair them with their seniors. They all seem to get along with Eripon, Mizuki and Sakura, but they should at least try and get to see what all of the others are like.
    • Yasser96's Photo
      It's nearly a year since 12ki joined, so I would have actually expected them to find their niche in MM by now. So far, Haruna and Miki seem to have found their place in MM with their personality and skills while Maria and Akane just seem to be hanging around. Since 9th and 10th gen joined so close to each other, they're pretty much 'douki' and glued together. Quite frankly, I'm actually disappointed that Maria hasn't left a big enough impression since joining.
  18. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 26 2015 06:49 PM

    How sick can you be to murder 2 people live on air??? I'm shocked into disbelief. I hope the gunman rots in prison. Uuurgh, shocking. RIP

    • Yasser96's Photo
      The whole situation is just so sad. The families involved must be in so much shock, both the victims and killer.
      @Tony Kodama, yeah, I wrote this before I found out he died.
    • Zabieru's Photo
      It was one of those crazy BLM activists, he killed them out of racial hatred.
    • Obsidian's Photo
      Once senators and governors are getting as regularly murdered as school children...then it'll change very fast.
  19. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 28 2015 10:05 PM

    I didn't realise JungKook was the maknae of BTS until today. In 'Dope', I thought he was one of the older ones, he gives off a leader vibe.

    • Yasser96's Photo
      I've gotta check them out more often. I can't believe I'm so late on their train.
    • ShiningLight445's Photo
      Never too late ;)
    • taylorniw's Photo
      You're missing out. Go watch Hormone Wars and start stanning.
  20. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 28 2015 11:51 PM

    Whoa. Massa and Sasshi tweeting to each other. What kind of black magic is this? XD

  21. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 28 2015 11:52 PM

    Whoa. Massa and Sasshi tweeting to each other. What kind of black magic is this? XD

  22. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Aug 28 2015 11:52 PM

    Whoa. Maasa and Sasshi tweeting to each other. What kind of black magic is this? XD

  23. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Sep 01 2015 08:27 PM

    Matsui Rena looked absolutely gorgeous at her graduation. Good luck Rena!

    • Yasser96's Photo
      What?!? She announced her grad in June XD
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Ooh dw. 48G news isn't that busy anyways XD
  24. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Sep 03 2015 10:01 PM

    Was there a studio version of Acchan's Sakura no Hanabiratachi solo? Her Tokyo Dome solo was so good.

    • Milkii's Photo
      It is on the album 1830m.


      I believe this is the studio version on YT.
    • Yasser96's Photo
      Thank you. Her voice is so gentle. This version is amazing.
  25. Yasser96

    Made a comment, Sep 04 2015 04:25 PM

    I think it's only a matter of time till Miyabi and Chinami become more involved with KSS too.