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Well Hello everyone! \(^3^)/ Ai chans blog translation up and going!

Posted by KaitoDoraemon, 25 December 2010 · 144 views

Before this, you could see me in Takahashi Ai's thread, doing simple translations of her blogs. I guess its kinda hard to actually keep posting on Ai chans thread while keeping it as up to date, therefore, i decided that a blog would erase all the time problems and anyone can view Ai chans blog anytime they want! ^_^

Im just so happy that my level of Nihongo has reached to the point of being able to do translations. But still, as acceptable it may be, i dont really assure of the literacy of the translations, therefore i keep my trans as simple and as close to the original meaning. But one thing i can assure you is, in essence it means the same :good:

And i guess todays date is just gonna be perfect for starting it. Its Christmas! :santa:

Also, this isnt gonna be a compulsory Ai chan blogs only, i plan that i would translate all blogs regarding Ai chan as well. *Most probably you will see a lot of Linlins coz shes awesome :rolleyes:*

I hope this blog gets a lot of attention from Ai chan lovers :wub:. Please do feel free to correct me here and there if im wrong okay?

Cheers! and Merry Christmas! :santa:

Thank you for translating Aichan's blog! Although I am only one of her fans, I'm sure we all appreciate it. I love looking at her blog, but until now I'm only been able to look at the pictures, so thanks! You've done an awesome job so far!
hey! tanx for those words! i feel so grateful~! yeah keep a look out on my blogs. il keep translating them
Thank you for translating Ai's blog!! She has such cute pictures and it's nice to actually know what she's also saying!!

Thanks again!
hey ur welcome!!!
Good to see that someone translating blog. Until now it was google translation and very basic knowledge of japanese.
I hope you will translate it even after Ai's graduation.

no problem! I will translate Aichans blog post forever, so you just keep on coming okay!

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