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Their feelings...

Posted by klay, in Blog Translations 09 August 2010 · 2838 views

Junjun Linlin Niigaki Risa Suzuki Airi Hagiwara Mai Okai Chisato Mano Erina Fukuda Kanon
EDIT: Added Junjun's one. At the bottom of this post.

EDITEDIT: Found posts by Nakajima Saki, Maeda Yuuka, Ogawa Saki and OGs Nakazawa Yuuko, Iida Kaori, Yaguchi Mari and Ogawa Makoto...
Will try to sub them tomorrow.

I just got back from school. Haha... My eyes were really red. I think I'm starting to get sick as well...

Anyway, I'll put off the rest of my translations.

Here's translations about the graduation from the others' blogs.

Only the graduation part.

I really tried not to cry while doing this.

(Since Sayu and Reina's blog have already been translated by Hyakupa and Rakkety, I will not do theirs)

Linlin's Blog: 愛してます…… 琳琳真的好爱你们…… [I'm translating the Chinese part only]

During today's concert the announcement about my, sister and Turtle-sister's graduation was made.
I really don't know how to express my feelings.

The first time we were told during a meeting, my mind was in a blur, it felt really untrue, it felt like if I were to pinch myself I would wake up from a dream......
I only realized it when teacher Tsunku was up on the stage making the announcement, that this is real, and it will never change......
Linlin has a lot of things that she will miss. It's not possible to put them into words......
I'll miss the STAFF that worked hard together with me, I'll miss the managers who fought tirelessly with me......
I'll miss the members and fans who stayed by my side to overcome all difficulties the most.
I really, really don't want to leave you all......
It wasn't easy to get used to Japan, it wasn't easy to get used to the members, it wasn't easy to make new friends, it wasn't easy to meet you all......
Looking back, I joined Morning Musume when I was 16. Coming to Japan without my parents made me feel very lonely...... What enabled me to be the Linlin now is because of all your support
You all created a warm family for Linlin, you all allowed Linlin to have some support and people to rely on......
I really, really thank you...... Linlin loves you all a lot
The future may be difficult if I'm alone, but I'm not scared, because no matter where I am, Linlin believes that our friendship will never ever change
I always thought that I'm a strong person, but the tears kept falling today, and they didn't want to stop, because I want to help you all cry for us
That's why everybody should not cry, because your happiness is Linlin's greatest happiness too.

Niigaki Risa's Blog: 。。。☆

I'm sorry for not updating about anything new..

I focused my all into the concert today in order to calm myself down..

It was announced today,

The decision of Morning Musume's 9th Audition


Kamei Eri, Junjun and Linlin's graduation from Morning Musume......

For me, today's announcement, it's really unbelievable...
Honestly I really can't believe it.

Even though my feelings are a little extreme, these three will aim towards their goals and move towards it from now on. The three of them also has the determination to do well, so I have to cheer and help them!! This is what I'm thinking.

For Morning Musume, the announcement of the audition for the 9th generation, it shows that we have no choice but to move on to something new.

So I have to properly accept this, and until the end of Morning Musume's Fall tour, it will remain as 8 people! 8 people!!

I will put in my all and move forward.

That's why everyone should too, and keep supporting us.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

C-ute's Blog (Airi): ファンコラ!( あいり

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And in today's live
From Morning Musume
Linlin, Junjun and Kamei Eri-san
In their Fall Tour
Will graduate
Such an announcement was made.

Congratulations for your graduation!!
I feel extremely sad and lonely
I cried during the live

The three of them
I hope that they will do their best

and I
will always talk so exaggeratedly
I'm actually very happy
I really like her singing and dancing
And every time I see Kamei-san


I will think nothing else but that (laugh)

When it's just the two of us talking
It's like becoming machine guns
We'll laugh at every small little thing
In this Harocon
I was really involved
And the recent hairstyle that Junjun wore
I really liked Junjun's double ponytails

And Linlin
I really liked her from the first time I saw her

If Airi were to go to China she'd be very popular

She said to me once (laugh)
This person with the same B blood type
We have a lot of similarities
We're always laughing a lot when we're talking

I'll be really lonely when you're gone and we're unable to meet

Photo 1 is with Linlin
Photo 2 is with Kamei-san

I couldn't take a photo with Junjun

Even when the three of you graduate
I hope that we'll still be good friends

I love the three of you

C-ute's Blog (Mai): THE LIVE★ファイナル

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An announcement was made today
Kamei-san, Linlin and Junjun
They will graduate at the end of Morning Musume's Fall Tour.

She's always smiling, being cute
Even though I didn't have much chance to talk to her, funny Junjun is the best.

Linlin tension is always high
Her English is very good
Linlin's voice is the best

And about Kamei-san
The Kamei-san that's kind towards Mai
I love her singing and dancing
By the way, yesterday
I was on the phone with Kamei-san
The water that flowed from my eyes, there was so much!!
As expected of an AB blood type buddy (laugh)

C-ute's Blog (Chisato): 未来 千聖

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And even if you know
It has come like I thought
Morning Musume
9th generation audition
Will start!
I extremely look forward to it!
The people who are 10 to 17 years old
It's a must!
Please support it

And in the Morning Musume's concert in December

Kamei Eri-san
It was announced that they will graduate from Morning Musume.

I was really suprised
But one's future is his own
And it's great that they are going to start their own
For Kamei-san, Junjun and Linlin's future
I will always support them from the bottom of my heart. And we'll always be friends.

Linlin and Junjun always come and talk to me
Even though I'm younger than them
It may be a bit rude
But it feels like they are like my younger sisters
I really wish that I could ask them to bring me to China one day

And Kamei-san!
In the cheering seats today
Sitting with Kamei-san and fooling around with her was really fun
It's a really good memory and Kamei-san was really cute
That kind of innocent cuteness makes me feel like I want to have it too

Mano Erina's Blog: おつかれさまでした

In today's afternoon concert
Morning Musume 9th generation's
Recruitment audition will be held.
In December, Kamei-san
Junjun, Linlin
Will graduate
Tsunku-san made this announcement

Up till now
I'm unable to believe this

Especially for Linlin
During the time we were together in Hello! Project Egg
We were really good friends
She's the only one in Hello! Project
That calls me

Even though I can't believe it
Everyone's moving towards the future
For them walking on a new road
I will support them.

Morning Musume-san!
Please do your best in the Fall Tour!!

Fukuda Kanon's Blog: 涙が止まらない放課後

An announcement was made today

From Morning Musume-san
Kamei-san, Junjun and Linlin

Will graduate in their Fall Tour

Of course it's not a farewell forever
I believe that we'll be able to meet again

Performing as Shin Minimoni together with the members now
Today's the last time

Even though I'm trying to prevent my tears from falling

During the final, Linlin said "I'll leave Shin Minimoni to you!"

I couldn't stop my tears from falling ><

During the time before the graduation
I want to use it to learn lots of things from them (^O^)

Junjun's Blog: 毕业.. [The Chinese post]

Junjun's here now..
I've worried everybody..

In yesterday's concert.. Teacher Tsunku announced the news about Junjun, Linlin and Kamei-senpai's 3 person graduation.
This sudden news must have given everyone a shock..
Sorry.. For making everybody so heartbroken.. For making everybody cry..

On the day that Kusumi-senpai graduated.. Junjun was thinking.. If mine's about to come soon..
After all I'm already 22 years old.. And a transfer student..
University transfer students also stay for four years right..

Even though I had some mental preparation.. This day came so suddenly...
Junjun is still unable to cope with it.

Am I really leaving?...
Leaving the members that I've been with for four years..
Leaving you all that have been taking care of Junjun..
Leaving my manager and the staff who have been helping Junjun out during work..
Leaving the stage that I've sung and danced with you all..

I'm reluctant. I'll really miss it...
Junjun doesn't know what words to use to describe her feelings now..

I remember the Junjun that first came to Japan..
Coming to this foreign country..
Without knowing one Japanese sentence at all..
The words that the people beside me were saying.. The things that they were laughing at..
I didn't know.. I didn't know anything..
Junjun is not that type of people that easily mixes around with others..
That's why when I first started out and faced other people and other matters.. Junjun was very closed up.. Very cold..

Slowly.. I've familiarized.. I've understood.. I've liked it.. I've been mixed in..
And I'm leaving...

Maybe this is what fate arranged for me..
So many people in the world.. To be able to meet is destiny..
Separation is also for another meeting..
Junjun cherishes this meeting a lot..

The day that I was at Yoshizawa-senpai's concert only seemed like yesterday..

The tears that came after that.. The smiles.. They all are in Junjun's memories..
I can't forget them.. And I'm unable to forget them..

Maybe if I leave first.. It will make it more relaxing and smooth for Junjun (laugh)
After experiencing the graduation of Kusumi-senpai..
Compared to sending other members off.. I rather be the one that's sent off..
Sorry.. For having these kind of feelings..

As for my future.. It's still undecided..
But one thing that is for sure.. Junjun will definitely face the future..
Just like that time that I was selected to come to Japan.. My own future.. My own choice..
Junjun decided that she won't give up..
I will start everything anew..
Even it it's tough.. Even if it's difficult, Junjun will endure it...
It's different.. The Junjun now has all of you by her side..
Junjun said before.. You all are Junjun's family..
A family that's all over the world is still a family.. Right?..
That's why Junjun will be brave..

The things I've learned during the four years in Morning Musume is the most precious experience..
No matter what I do from now on.. I believe that it'll help Junjun become better..

There's still four months left..

I hope that everyone will stay by 8-nin Morning Musume's side. And walk with us until the end..
I also hope that everyone will increase their support for Morning Musume.

That's it. If you spot any more please let me know.

Could you please give me the link of Reina's translations? Thanks ^^

And Í almost started crying when I read this..
I'm sooo sad! ='(

You can see that everyone, even outside Momusu, will miss them unbelievebly bad xxxx

Could you please give me the link of Reina's translations? Thanks ^^

He/She's doing the translation of Reina's blog.
Apparently Nakazawa commented also.

Aug 09 2010 06:02 PM
Murata Megumi also commented in her blog:


Could you please give me the link of Reina's translations? Thanks ^^

He/She's doing the translation of Reina's blog.

Thank you !
AND for the all the translations you're going to post more

He/She's doing the translation of Reina's blog.

Thanks so much for this wonderful set of translations. Helps put it all in perspective.

Oh and Rakkety is most definitely a he.
OMG, JunJun's post was so sad :wub:
thanks very much~ I really appreicate the effort!

ahhh I'm sooooo saddddd T_____T
Everyone's saying LinLin's was sad, but JunJun's was a lot sadder for me ='(
Reading Junjun post make me want to cry T_T
i dont want to read...because my tear drops doesn't stop falling
this is very sad, Linlin was my inspiration Y_Y

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