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6/16 GAM concert in Nakano!

Posted by mister.mori, 16 June 2007 · 879 views

Adventures in Japan
so, it's about 10PM here in Japan...and i just got back from THE GAM CONCERT in Nakano! this was actually my first Hello! Project live...and what a live it was! needless to say, i really enjoyed myself. there were so many great performances, not to mention a brand new GAM song (yes, you heard me right)! i would like to assume that this means it will be released as a new single sometime soon...but, you should never "assume" when it come to the Hello! Project x_x . the name of the new song is 熱い魂 (atsui tamashii - warm(passionate) soul). they said that it was made especially for the tour. it's more on the upbeat side; it's definitely not a ballad. i really liked it!

other notable performances were a Fujimoto/Matsuura version of "SHALL WE LOVE?", a Fujimoto/Matsuura version of "Namida Girl" (easily one of my favorites), "Koko de Kisu Shite" was absolutely amazing, and many many more! the MC segments were really funny and entertaining and you got to learn a little bit more about Fujimoto and Matsuura (for example, when Matsuura turns 70 and if she has to choose between dying her hair purple or the "onion" style of hair, she'd choose the purple hair x_x ). one thing i noticed throughout the live is that Fujimoto really gave 110% in all her dance moves. more than once i've seen her dance moves at less than 100% during Morning Musume live performances. x_x

another thing worth mentioning is that at the very beginning of the show Fujimoto made a very professional and sincere apology for all the recent "events" she's been involved in and is appreciative of all the continuing support of her fans. :D

also, both Fujimoto and Matsuura hit all their "difficult" (high/low) notes in their vocal performances. "impressed" really isn't the word; it's more like 「さすが藤本美貴と松浦亜弥」 .

anyways, hopefully there will be a new GAM single to look forward to (though i'm not saying anything is for sure). with the new song, and seeing how much fun Fujimoto and Matsuura had on stage together, i'm really hoping GAM will continue.

p.s. i wasn't planning on getting any photocards, but they had a special GAM set just for the 6/16 Nakano show which i ended up buying. i've never seen Fujimoto look better. i don't have a scanner, but i'll edit this entry and upload a snapshot of the photocards a little later. look forward to it! :P

EDIT: okay, here's a snapshot of the photocards i bought at the show. the photocard i'm talking about where Fujimoto is looking ridiculously beautiful is the top left larger size photocard that's a close up of her with a pink background :) :

Posted Image

Hi Mr. mori! I think you had very much fun, yes? I am happy for that! You noticed strong enthusiasm from Fujimoto, I think she is very happy that she is no longer required to be babysitter for MM! and she can perform with her special friend! Do you know? GAM will make special tour in Hawaii during September! Fun!
you're so lucky!
I wish i could see GAM too...
but it's not easy.
I'm not in Japan...Y_Y
Awesome! I think leaving MM was good for Fujimoto XD

I'm looking forward for the picture :D
Aah lucky XD I wanna live in Japan too :D

the name of the new song is 厚い魂 (atsui tamashii - warm(hearted) soul).

Aww geez... not you as well? I remember our friend Greyface making exactly the same kanji mistake months ago: you want 熱い, not 厚い! XD I wouldn't expect it to be a single though. At the most it would be the coupling song of the next single but I doubt it would be the feature, as great a song as it is. :D The whole song fits the album's mood but I particularly like the chorus although the way they let their voices fly at the ends of bridges is pretty cool. Despite that, it's apparently just for the tour and I really don't think UFA are criminal enough to deny originality for the fourth. Anyway, your first Hello! Project concert is apparently the one that will be on the DVD so aside from having your memories, you'll have a nice reminder come August 29th (try and find yourself in the crowd when it's out!). :P But because it's going to be on the DVD I'm resisting the temptation of listening to that show in particular but I admit I haven't really listened to any since the three May shows at Zama. Glad you enjoyed it but there was never going to be any other outcome was there? :D
Tanoshii deshita ne? n_n
Just listened to the fanrecording of the concert and I thought I had heard someone yelling "I'm Mr. Mori - Hug me!!!".
Now the picture is getting clearer :-)))
Glad you enjoyed the gig
you soooo lucky! XD
first of all, thanks for all your commets guys! :D i've EDITed my entry and uploaded a snapshot of the photocards i bought at the GAM show!

the name of the new song is 厚い魂 (atsui tamashii - warm(hearted) soul).

Aww geez... not you as well? I remember our friend Greyface making exactly the same kanji mistake months ago: you want 熱い, not 厚い! :D

(i actually met up with Greyface and we went to the GAM show with another one of his friends as well as Novaforever (another member here on H!O)

anyways, i was wondering about which kanji to use (i was originally going to include in my entry that i wasn't sure :P ). i knew it wasn't 暑い, so of course my other options were either 熱い or 厚い・篤い. i looked up the meaning of 熱い and found "hot (thing)" and then for 厚い i found "thick" as the primary meaning but there was also a secondary meaning "warm (hearted)". so i went with 厚い (...though i felt it kind of odd using the "thick" kanji...). so is that secondary meaning of 厚い non-existent in Chinese (...or just non-existent all together :D ). i've gone back and EDITed it appropriately until i hear back from you :D .

I wouldn't expect it to be a single though. At the most it would be the coupling song of the next single but I doubt it would be the feature, as great a song as it is. :D The whole song fits the album's mood but I particularly like the chorus although the way they let their voices fly at the ends of bridges is pretty cool. Despite that, it's apparently just for the tour and I really don't think UFA are criminal enough to deny originality for the fourth.

well, i hope it shows up sometime (it being a coupling or on another album XD ). either way, it would still mean that GAM is/would be continuing. :D

Anyway, your first Hello! Project concert is apparently the one that will be on the DVD so aside from having your memories, you'll have a nice reminder come August 29th (try and find yourself in the crowd when it's out!). :P But because it's going to be on the DVD I'm resisting the temptation of listening to that show in particular but I admit I haven't really listened to any since the three May shows at Zama. Glad you enjoyed it but there was never going to be any other outcome was there? :P

really!? the Nakano 6/16 show is going to be the DVD!? that's awesome! i saw them filming, but i figured they just film all the concerts (which they probably do). i'm all the way in the back (as back and you can go). i'm talking second floor top row! XD but the show was still amazing regardless. :D

p.s. i miss these kind of 3+ different quoted responses/discussions we used to have together H!P46. :P
Aw man! I totally didnt realize that you bought ALL the miki photocards! Hmmm I should have done that...

Dude I will still argue with you about the Miki dancing part. I think that Aya had more energy in her dancing. Miki was just more... fluid I think is the word I am looking for. Aya knows that she has the sexy bod, and she totally works it. I think Miki's outlook is more like 'yeah I'm hot whatever' and it results in her seeming a little less energetic. I dunno maybe that is just me.

On the other hand, I think Miki's singing was stronger. I think that they actually had to turn the volume up on Ayaya's mic so that she wouldn't be completely drowned out by Miki.

Together Aya and Miki just have this... stage presence. It makes them seem huge. Even though we were in the very back row, and they are in reality tiny, little asians up on stage, they just seemed to fill the room. I think that they just have that idol spirit. I cant imagine many other people being able to dominate a stage that much when there is only two of them.

And I don't know about you, but I thought that the crazy fanboys and fangirls made it even more fun. Like those three guys in front of you who did the wierd cheers. That was just hilarious and fun. And the fangirls in front of me knew practically ever single dance move that Ayaya and Mikitty did. It was freakishly amazing. I think some of the fangirls there were even more hardcore than the fanboys.

Here is a photo dump of all the stuff I got at the concert. People should check out the Miki shirt, as it features a delightful (ly bad) Miki drawing on it.


Also, if scans of the limited edition cards dont go up on the picboard then I will scan them in. Once I am back from Japan of course! But a high quality digital copy of that one Miki photo MUST be shared!
Did you do the wota dance for Miki?

Did you do the wota dance for Miki?

nope, but there were about four or five wotas in the row in front of me that did the dance! :P

(i actually met up with Greyface and we went to the GAM show with another one of his friends as well as Novaforever (another member here on H!O)

Awesome. 4 lucky people! :P

i looked up the meaning of 熱い and found "hot (thing)" and then for 厚い i found "thick" as the primary meaning but there was also a secondary meaning "warm (hearted)". so i went with 厚い (...though i felt it kind of odd using the "thick" kanji...). so is that secondary meaning of 厚い non-existent in Chinese (...or just non-existent all together ^^; ).

I'm considering I might be wrong but Google isn't really helping me to that end because of GAM+厚い魂 and GAM+熱い魂. The only 厚い as in warm-hearted I've come across is 情の熱い (warm-hearted) but taking it literally with the primary meaning it's "thick feelings" which could sort of be twisted to mean warm-hearted. :P Anyway, in Chinese there are some ways it can mean genial or something like that in compounds but it usually means thick. ^_^

well, i hope it shows up sometime (it being a coupling or on another album :P ). either way, it would still mean that GAM is/would be continuing. :D

Naysayer! Of course GAM is continuing! :lol: Until the day they (GAM) decide to call it a day!

really!? the Nakano 6/16 show is going to be the DVD!? that's awesome! i saw them filming, but i figured they just film all the concerts (which they probably do). i'm all the way in the back (as back and you can go). i'm talking second floor top row! :lol: but the show was still amazing regardless. :D

Yup, specifically the evening show because there were two. I think they'll probably be filming at several venues because I can't imagine them leaving out Aya's birthday MC in the Aichi concert on the 24th from the DVD. That would be criminal!

p.s. i miss these kind of 3+ different quoted responses/discussions we used to have together H!P46. :good:

Times are slow :(

Awesome. 4 lucky people! :P

That's not luck, that's skill, hard-work, and a flagrant disregard for sanity. Credit where it's due! (in my pockets, thank you very much).

Yup, specifically the evening show because there were two. I think they'll probably be filming at several venues because I can't imagine them leaving out Aya's birthday MC in the Aichi concert on the 24th from the DVD. That would be criminal!

As far as I've been able to tell, they always film all of them. And, as far as I can tell, we went to the afternoon show, not the evening one. The abnormal thing being that it's not the end of the tour. Filming the live-house shows would be kind of interesting though, I really have to wonder what that's like. I've seen DVD footage of MkB in a live house, but their wota:fan ratio is significantly lower than Fujimoto's.

Incidentally, I told about 20 people today that I went to a GAM show last Saturday, and when that didn't ring any bells, I told them that half of the group is Matsuura Aya. One of the people was surprised, the summary of her response is, "Why?" and then I think she was trying to take a stab at asking me if I'm a serious wota, but she didn't have the language skills to really get her point across, and only ended up clapping her hands over her head a couple times, so she didn't get any sort of real answer.
Glad you had fun Mister.Mori, that picture set also looks awesome =D

Umm...just to chide in on the Chinese character, I only know that 厚 has one other meaning aside from thick, and that was generosity...soo....dunno if you want to called that warm-hearted or not.

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