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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 03-November 09
By 川*’ー’)AlwaysAi*
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Nov 04 2009 01:36 AM
Jun Jun <3
& Lin Lin looks amazing in all the Kimagure Princess shoots
that eyeliner and hair really suits her :) she looks fierce~
 Mr. Phenomenal
 Nov 04 2009 01:58 AM
uh huh. LinLin was "WOW".

JunJun looks very good here.
Koharu's peace sign is probably the highest peace sign i've ever seen.
ERIRIN's "good" FTW!!
Reina is either blasting us away or reaching out for us. (i hope it's the second one.)

 Nov 04 2009 02:58 AM
loli-pop, i couldn't agree more. that's the best i've ever seen lin look. i think she's found her look, and i hope she sticks with it.
 Nov 04 2009 05:09 PM
During the Jacket and PV shooting day they all looked worned out.Reina mentioned that they are busy with 9 smile concert rehersals daily! From early morning! Poor thing......
 Nov 05 2009 12:45 AM
they must be trying really hard for Koharu :(
 Nov 05 2009 04:08 AM
Thats a cute group picture of them and I want thoughs hats still!!! <3
 Nov 05 2009 05:37 AM
Kerushii: "they must be trying really hard for Koharu :("

Well, maybe Niigaki not so much.
 Nov 05 2009 07:22 AM
For those who followed the drama, I've found another Gaki-blast-Koha moment.

Check at 6:15. The question was "How do you keep your concentration?". Gaki's answer:"Eri isn't really good at keeping it, but among the members, Kusumi Koharu is the worst of all. You should come to a concert at least once and you'll understand immediately what I mean. That girl's a drag".
Score: Gaki 2 - Koha 0. Ouch...
By the way, this video also reveals how much Gaki's in charge. Reminds me of another program where Aichan admits: "The real leader is Gaki-san". Aichan didn't seem to mind, she sounded more like stating a fact.
 Nov 05 2009 07:43 AM
^interesting. though, i haven't ever been to their concert, i've never noticed koharu getting distracted in any way. but i'd assume that stuff's not seen in dvd anyway, and risa would know more than i do since she works with her. ps. if you have any more "gaki-blast-koha" videos, please share. it's really interesting stuff.
 Nov 05 2009 07:55 AM
I've never been to their concerts either, so I don't know. I'm just translating Gaki's word, that's funny enough.
In recent TV appearances, I also noted that Gaki never misses an opportunity to say "We're 9 members, soon to be 8". No other member says it. For Koha's Sayonara concert, maybe Gaki should sing "Nananana... Nananana... Heyheyhey... Goodbye!"
 Nov 05 2009 08:24 AM
^that'd be interesting to watch! but i'm sure she'll be boohooing along with the rest. but who knows. maybe she'll be the stoic type. *shrugs*
 Nov 05 2009 08:43 AM
I'm sure most of these idols know how to turn on the waterworks when needed. Niigaki included.
 Nov 05 2009 08:45 AM
^true. like aichan, she seems to cry easily.
 Nov 05 2009 08:51 AM
And I can even imagine the audio coming with the tears: "Koha, you were a useless creep, but I gonna miss you. Now that you're gone, who am I gonna spit my venom to?" (I'm kidding but, knowing Gaki, she might actually say something close)
 Nov 05 2009 09:43 AM
Somehow imagining Niigaki as a petty and divisive instigator makes me like her more idk.