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Kumai Yurina,
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Uploaded on 11-October 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Kumai Yurina 

 Oct 11 2009 04:25 PM
she is shing!!!! ^^
pretty kumai
 Oct 11 2009 09:39 PM
ahhhh so beautiful~!(L)³³³
 Oct 11 2009 11:01 PM
After seeing all the pics in this set I'm pretty sure I am now entirely satisfied as an idol fan.

That's it. I'm done. Nothing can top this, so I'm going back to prog rock or rap or whatever the hell I was listening to before.
 Oct 12 2009 03:57 AM
I sometimes wonder if I will one day too become a bitter idol fan. Can I ever truly go back to my life, pre-H!P, or do these girls now own a part of my soul? What will fill the void once Yurina's lumbering stature and Miyabi's epic chin are gone? Can just any random and cute Japanese girl take their place? Or will I be like so many OG musume fans and linger on like an stench you just can't rid yourself of? Will it be easy to accept the new generation? Will there even be a new generation? So many questions and so few answers. Truly, this is a cruel fandom.
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Oct 12 2009 05:15 AM
.. we become bitter H!P codgers and profess love for another idol group... acting all butt hurt.... until we see the err of our ways...

on the picture point... Kumai looks absolutely lovely :D ...she looks good in 80's wear :D