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"Wu Zhao Xian, Frances",

"Lan Ai Zi, Aiko",

Da Xiao Jie,
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Uploaded on 08-October 09
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Oct 08 2009 11:48 PM
One day you two will be cute.
Until then don't try to wear weird outfits, it doesnt wok ):
 Jun Wolf
 Oct 09 2009 12:04 AM
People make them wear them. it's not their fault lol
 Oct 09 2009 12:17 AM
 Oct 09 2009 02:04 AM
Frances dresses up like a mermaid on her own. xD I don't really think anyone has to force them to wear anything.
 With Teeth
 Oct 10 2009 01:21 AM
nahh, because every idol chooses what they wear in public, for media, etc. like they just choose how much lines they sing in a song, these stuff.
 Oct 10 2009 09:25 AM
these outfits are actually that of "chang er" a princess that lives on the moon from a chinese folklore. this picture was taken during an event celebrating the chinese mid autumn/mooncake festival, where "chang er" is part of the story =)

"chang er" is supposed to live in the moon with a rabbit, and aiko was supposed to dress as a the bunny as she is smaller in size, but she wanted to be a pretty princess too, and thus the company relented cause shes too cute to resist haha, and both it ended up with 2 of them being "chang er".

so actually the company decided what they would wear for the appearence but they themselves had a say it it too =P
 Oct 10 2009 03:51 PM
With Teeth: That wasn't my point at all. My point was that I doubt you would have to, literally, FORCE her to wear something. I really doubt she's going to not want to wear the cute princess outfit, or dress up in the cute/silly little outfits they got for their MV's.
 Nov 21 2009 07:59 PM
Oh, okayyy.