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Kusumi Koharu,
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Uploaded on 20-September 09
By Ereiriyu
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Tags: Kusumi Koharu 

 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Sep 20 2009 02:25 AM
Most beautiful and most talented Morning Musume member of all-time.
 Sep 20 2009 03:31 AM
she stole my heart
 Sep 20 2009 10:44 AM
well, I hate her, but I admit: this pic is great!(Y)
 Sep 20 2009 10:44 AM
I am already missing her
 Sep 20 2009 10:51 AM
;_; im teary..
 Sep 20 2009 11:16 AM
 Sep 20 2009 11:54 AM
this is really too much of a bad joke, i really hope she's not leaving and this is just a bad dream >_<
 Sep 20 2009 12:59 PM
Seriously, the MOST TALENTED Momusu of all time? Really???

I mean, I'm sad she's leaving, but calling her the most talented ever is ridiculous.
 Sep 20 2009 01:00 PM
^ It's funny is what it is. 8D

Whatever floats these guys boats, I guess.
 Sep 20 2009 03:51 PM
 Sep 20 2009 05:18 PM
@tony kusumi: It's not like you won't lose interest in her in a year or two anyway. She's getting up there!

I hated Koharu at first, but she slowly grew on me to become one of my all-time faves. She will be missed rip
 Sep 20 2009 08:09 PM
I can't say it any more clearer. And ppl who hate her, why do you even bother to comment her pictures?? Just wondering. Just keep it to yourself, you would make us all very happy thank you.
 Sep 21 2009 11:45 AM
Aww, she looks beautiful <33
 Sep 21 2009 11:58 AM
Well. this picture is old. but. Pretty right? i will miss my ms.Kirari :((
 Sep 21 2009 12:09 PM
Haters comment obviously to voice their thoughts or simply troll. And no offence but right now, I think you're ruder than some of the haters who have commented here. From what I'm seeing, you're saying that Koharu "haters" should have no right to comment on her pictures, no? Can I ask why? Everything they have to say is merely just another one's opinion. No celebrity(or even anyone) is perfect, so why can't you take the criticism? I just find it so offensive that "haters" aren't treated the same when all they do is ever, voice their opinion/thoughts.

But other than that, this is a really nice picture of Koha...^^ She'll be a great model, I hope. ;]
(This is coming from an anti btw)

 Sep 21 2009 12:15 PM
Geez. So because I think Koharu is faaaaar from the best vocalist MM has ever seen, I hate her? I don't hate her as a person or even as an idol, I just don't understand how someone could truly believe that out of all the very talented girls to have graced Morning Musume, Koharu is the best and singing and dancing and whatnot.

I mean. Really? You really really think that? Would people have been thinking that if she weren't going to graduate?
 Sep 21 2009 02:52 PM
She cant sing, at all.

Shes pretty.

But she's stealing the spotlight from people who CAN sing, lke Kamei Eri.

And it's not like shes going to die, shes just graduating.
 Sep 21 2009 06:16 PM
Not saying that this is what suikisuiki1 in particular is saying, but many people judge her by her Kirarin Revolution music. That is kind of harsh to judge her based on that alone, as she was singing very much in character for an anime directed at kids. Some of that carried over into her Morning Musume stuff, and I agree that was obnoxious, but then again, for numbers like Guru Guru Jump, it is not an inappropriate style (although I still don't enjoy listening to it).

Nonetheless, she seemed to be gradually becoming a good singer before Kirarin, and then the Kirarin experience, while great for her popularity, put actual singing quality on the back burner. Personally, hearing her duet with JunJun, singing Melon Kinenbi's Kousui at the Spring 2009 concert convinced me that she still can sing quite reasonably when called upon to do so.
 Sep 24 2009 08:07 PM
^^ I prefer Koharu having the spotlight over Kamei :) I don't like Kamei at all so...
 Oct 07 2009 02:37 PM
maybe not most talented, but she's still lovable in every other way,
dont want her to leave ><