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Fujimoto Miki,
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Tags: Fujimoto Miki 

Fujimoto Miki Live in BKK/ I do not own this.

 Aug 31 2009 02:02 AM
clearly pregnant
 With Teeth
 Aug 31 2009 02:35 AM
there's also the wind factor. but it would be nice to see miki preggorz, dawaw.
 ♥ Risa
 Aug 31 2009 02:39 AM
She looks pretty preggerz here too:
 Aug 31 2009 05:06 AM
Didn't take them long.
 Aug 31 2009 05:16 AM
if she's showing that much, she must've had a bun in the oven before she got married.

 ♥ Risa
 Aug 31 2009 06:18 AM
^ which is probably why they got married since, ya know, that's how our idols run their stuff xD
 Aug 31 2009 06:22 AM
she's pregnant.... probably 3 or 4 months..
 Aug 31 2009 08:56 AM
it's because of the zipper!! since it won't turn to bodyform and makes it all a little off-standing
girls who wore such a dress before know what I mean XD
 Aug 31 2009 09:11 AM
Oh I have no doubt that boy could scream Miki's same forwards and backwards, in different languages even, long before they were married.
I just hope it was planned if she is and not an 'oops' or act of rebellion against her former idol status.

And yes I do believe Miki could be that vindictive.
 Aug 31 2009 01:08 PM
It is mainly because of the style of dress\, but it's quite possible she picked that particular dress to hide something >.>
But Miki the Mommy? How frickin cute would that be?!
 Aug 31 2009 02:19 PM
NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Miki-sama being pregnant with that ugly husband! can't take it! kill me now!
 Aug 31 2009 02:39 PM
It was very windy that day and I agree with the zipper comment. I'm no fashion expert, but I believe her outfit is made of two things. The white shirt and the colorful dress thing. I saw her constantly pulling up her dress around the bra area. So my guess is that Loose dress + wind = puffiness. I'm not saying yay or nay, we'll find out in no time.
 Aug 31 2009 03:16 PM
risa, yeah, i agree. it's a little bit backwards, but sometimes those things happen.

ninja man. i agree also, i hope it wasn't like "oh no! i'ma pregnant! hurry up, let's get married!"

this isn't a proven thing, but if you look at her other photos from the same place, you'll see that she's got 'pregnant face'. it's a bit rounder, and her nose is flatter against her face. it's something i came up with a looong time ago, and it hasn't failed me yet. BUT, if it does, then it's all good. if she's not preggers, then she probably will be before the year is over.

twistak. but in that particular shot, the wind is blowing toward her, so her dress would be flowing backward. the only puffiness i see is her tum tum, cause it's full of baby.
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Aug 31 2009 07:56 PM
.. i wonder how"yummy " the bun in the oven will be... :P

but seriously, it is not showing a good precedent... it has been 2 months ... but she is 3months or 4 months ahead... hoping that nothing stupid would happen...with the others...

and this looks all the more like a hasty decision.... otherwise me thinks mm-Mikitty would end up with Yossie :lol:
 Sep 02 2009 04:29 PM
I demand meteorological data, or better yet, a pregnancy test. :P