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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",


Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 17-July 09
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Gravure Television

 Jul 17 2009 05:55 PM
The girls looking amazing in this photo. I honestly can't pick out a favorite in this photo. How about, OMG AI looking so pretty~! Risa is lookin' pretty hawt!!!1! Kamei is so sweet and cute looking! Sayumi's face is like "I know you want it". Reina is...lookin kinda off now that I'm looking at her and not the whole group. Koharu looks so nice in purple and black. :D Mitsui looks classy, JunJun looks kinda innocent and Linlin is lookin' smexy. XD
 Jul 18 2009 06:09 AM
OMG!! ALL I SEE are LEGS!!! NOOOooooooooooooo!!!!
 Jul 18 2009 06:56 AM
They all look nice....but...collaboration gravure????
 Jul 18 2009 07:28 AM
Collaboration gravure, LOL EPIC TITLE!!! xD
 Jul 18 2009 07:52 AM
By collaboration they're referring to the Morning Musume t-shirt designed by the G-Television team. No idea what they mean by collaboration gravure... they prolly thought it sounded fancy.
 Mr. Phenomenal
 Jul 18 2009 10:55 AM
gravure? o.O bring it on~!

 Jul 18 2009 12:20 PM
omg! they realy are "SEXY LITTLE DEVILS" :hawt:
 Jul 18 2009 02:12 PM
Sexiest =


 Jul 18 2009 02:20 PM
why this current generation is not as popular as the older one, is beyond me.
 Jul 19 2009 12:01 AM
^i agree. but i think the image morning musume has now, is different than what they had back then.
 Jul 19 2009 01:04 AM
Gravure Momusu?!? I died, seriously. But it was a good death.
But their image is vastly different from the Momusu of old, and their most recent musical offering is also radically different. The only thing that ties the current group to the OG lineup is the name, Morning Musume.
 Jul 19 2009 05:35 AM
Nice..i mean..very nice pic!!!
Ah...My Old rIsa Back^^horaaayy^^
I dunno why..i like sayumi most in this pic..^^
what??Ai hair..Dyed again..
I like Sayumi,Ai,Risa and Kamei here..
but..what the hell with Gravure??
Their Next project?
 Jul 21 2009 11:41 PM
We are gonna drown in blood!!
 Jul 23 2009 03:37 AM
HAWT !!!!