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Suzuki Airi,
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Uploaded on 26-June 09
By madrid
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Suzuki Airi 

 Jun 26 2009 06:37 PM
is that a japanese female fan? that's a pretty rare sight...
 Maiko Yamada
 Jun 26 2009 09:51 PM
its not really a rare sight. there are lots of female fans.
 Legend of Spira
 Jun 26 2009 10:34 PM
"Airi was having no fun with tons of old men coming to shake her hand. She had already gone through thirty packs of germ-X until a female was coming up to her. Airi put on her biggest smile and grabbed the ladies hand. She squeezed pretty hard so afterwards, Airi whispers to the lady... "I'll pay for the medical bills, don't worry..."

The lady left happily but with a couple broken fingers" Side A

"A girl was waiting in a line to shake hands with her idol... Airi Suzuki! She noticed there were tons of old men in the crowd and decided to keep away. When it was finally her turn she ran up to Airi and grabbed her hands. They held hands for a good thirty minutes until Airi had to say "This has been fun... but you're hurting me..."... immediately the girl took her hands off and walked away happily..." Side B(correct side)
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Jun 26 2009 11:57 PM
^ Hehe... nice. Airi is smart enough though to realize it's the old men (with big grins on their faces and sweaty hands) that pay the H!P bills.
 Jun 27 2009 12:14 AM
I've noticed alot of girls I know like older men.
Also Aibon, you know the girl with the big boobies,
has said she likes older men too ...so good luck to
those guys i guess
 Jun 27 2009 01:00 AM
^you know, its some wishful thinking that its only sweaty hands.