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Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 29-May 09
By metayero
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Tags: Takahashi Ai 

 May 29 2009 05:29 PM
She is a disappointment for me,
because Takitty doesn't need present herself in the erotic look, she can sing, play and, at least I assume is smart.
 May 29 2009 05:50 PM
but still look so lovely..<3333 aichan
 May 29 2009 05:53 PM
she's never a disappointment..never been one..XD..
her expression rox..XD..
 May 29 2009 05:59 PM
she's an amazing actress..her expressions are priceless
 May 29 2009 07:21 PM
disappointment? EXPLAIN!
 May 29 2009 07:23 PM
She looks like someone kidnapped her and she is about to get raped or something. Her face expression, she looks so sad and the way she sits there make it seem that way.
 May 29 2009 07:47 PM
She looks awesome ;)
She is a beautiful woman!! =D
 May 29 2009 08:08 PM
She looks like ...
someone just told her that Risa and Eri are gonna get married XD
 May 29 2009 08:49 PM
@bpx: This is not an insult but rather sincere advice: You need psychological help. This is no different from the photos Yuko, Yasuda and Kaorin posed for back in the day. Not all pics have to be a big grin and a peace sign, you know.
 May 29 2009 09:41 PM
Atika, you are a big disappointment to Ai! :( @bpx, what the hell? Whats wrong with you? Delete that comment!
 May 29 2009 10:24 PM
@Oikaze: This was an insult and no advise. Who are you to be able to judge who needs psychological help or not? I just said what it looks like to me. According to your logic someone who says she looks like she is the happiest girl on earth must need psychological help too. Very smart logic. Interesting how everything you say in this forum is always taken extremely serious. Well it is as people say. Internet: Serious business

And by the way you are the one living in a country like the USA and that alone is enough to need psychological help. Which is most likely the reason why you even reacted like that to my comment. You are the only one who freaked out if you haven't noticed.

Good day sir
 May 29 2009 10:51 PM
Ok, away from the argument, I really like this picture.

Her expressions are always amazing and I really like to see what else she has in the new photobook coming up.
 May 29 2009 11:46 PM
I love this new photobook!
Ai is stunning! <3
I can't wait for Reina's new photobook!!
Her ones are my fave! I love her style ^^
 May 30 2009 02:29 AM
bpx. you must know what someone looks like when they're about to get raped then. comments like that shouldn't be said here. even though you say she looks like that, doesn't mean you have to say it. word vomit much?
 May 30 2009 04:08 AM

I think people are most upset with you using the word "rape" in such an easy and off handed way. That's a serious subject, and seeing the word used so easily will offend lots of people. You can think what you are going to think, but just tossing the word out there will piss people off, so what's the use of even mentioning it?
 May 30 2009 05:14 AM
That's deffinately a sad expression. But I didn't get the fear that would make bpx's interpretation plausible. Now it's Ai so it starts with a 4/5, but mood and setting reduce it 3/5.
Now for the serious stuffs. Oikaze gave his opinion of bpx's opinion. bpx gave his opinion on Oikaze's opinion about his opinion. Nothing out of the oridinary really. But as I am in need of psychological help if this continues where I can see it I will suspend you both.
 May 30 2009 05:49 AM
Eventhough I didn't understand it, I lol'd at #1.

And #3, could you please post in english so other people understand you !?!
 May 30 2009 06:22 AM
How does such a pretty picture bring about so much hate?
 May 30 2009 06:57 AM
she does have a "I'm disappointed in you" (other person not herself) expression ...

*regarding the other comments ... *shudders....
 May 30 2009 07:26 AM
There is no right answer about what her expression reveals. It's highly interpretive. Sad, sure, I can see that. Serious? Yeah, that works as well. Disappointed, okay, I getcha. If you look at that and think "rape", though, well, that might be indicative of issues.
 May 30 2009 08:03 AM
bpx trying to compare Ai's emotion in this photo into a situation, he should not be judge like that. Everyone of us has a different point of view in this photo, I am certainly agreed that Ai is a great model that can express different role. :3
 May 30 2009 08:04 AM
@Amazin: This picture doesn't bring hate..it's one of the comment that make people doesnt really feel good about it..

@cribbaz : ok..=x..edited..comment too fast and used short cut form that not all people will know the meaning..sorry about it..=)
 May 30 2009 02:44 PM
This is the cutest outfit. I used to wear one similar to it pretty frequently, this really makes me want to dig that skirt out again. Ai is such a babe.
 Mr. Phenomenal
 May 30 2009 11:23 PM
they call her "Lovely" for a reason.
Lovely Ai has never disappointed me.
she is the perfect idol.
-singing: check
-looks: check
-smarts: check
-acting: uh.....check
-being Lovely: check~
point made.

 May 31 2009 07:19 PM
so true mr. phenominal so true =]]
 Jun 01 2009 10:01 AM
Lovely Takitty...yep, I agree...
And I found nothing wrong with this picture...
She just sitting there with a very clueless expression, a cute one I think...
 Jun 01 2009 07:15 PM
@Atika if u want erotic stuff you can go for av porn or something, this is hello project excuse me!
 Jun 01 2009 10:11 PM
I'm sure you often look at porn, and therefore you don't see when some photo is erotic. You don't have to answer to me, I don't care !
 Jun 02 2009 03:12 PM
Ooh - a fierce discussion I haven't joined yet!

I agree with Ninja-person (so PC of me) - the fact it's a pic of TakaH!Otty is a bonus, but it's not her most appealing.

It's more deliberately intense than the "An Eyeful of Butt" pictures that have been discussed to ennui elsewhere on this picture board, but it's not a bad pic at all. And it adds variety to the overall collection within the PB... from the happy, the playful, the obviously "cheeky" and the more solemn. Variety is the spice of life... and he who controls the spice, controls the universe!

*ahem* excuse me... slightly tangential back there.
 Jun 05 2009 10:43 PM