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Tanaka Reina,

Mitsui Aika,
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Uploaded on 12-May 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 May 12 2009 07:31 AM
That dinosaur's head is blocking my view.
 Jun Wolf
 May 12 2009 04:50 PM
^ There are 3 parts that rhino is blocking, take ur pick hahaa
 May 13 2009 03:49 AM
thats a turtle .
 May 13 2009 05:05 AM
This picture is really cute.
 May 13 2009 08:05 AM
Why make a number of something this obvious, ♥ Risa? ;--) I'm not saying everyone should be interested in their.. ahem.. goodies, but that doesn't mean that you should act childishly when somebody else makes a comment, even a slightly suggestive one. It's a group of girls in bikini's. Photographed. The message is quite clear and there is no way out.

H!P is, and always will be made for perverts. Besides I don't remember when cheking girls out has ever actually hurt them. Saying this as a 17-in-no-time-girl, I think I have made my point.
 May 13 2009 11:00 AM
i think its something interesting to talk about i mean they're young women and we like them for who they are and sometimes its interesting to talk about photographs
 May 13 2009 12:03 PM
Aika is flat? Haha ♥ Risa you're always so funny when you try to troll non-gaki pics.
 May 13 2009 02:40 PM
if they're flat then what's risa? concave?
 May 13 2009 06:56 PM
Haha, I love it how I don't have to write for myself :--) Thank you two. Aika is, definitely, one of the least flat girls in morning musume's history. I'm not saying she's exactly big, but far away from flat.
 May 13 2009 10:47 PM
Agreed with Stitch2000 :')
Yeah, cutiepearl Aika isn't that close to flat and even Reina isn't that flat. Want flat? Go complain on Koharu's pictures :P
♥ Risa just loves to troll
 May 14 2009 06:29 PM
♥ Risa,

Grow up. And stop acting like you have sand in your vagina. It's getting really boring.

Troll-behaviour is not necessary.
 May 14 2009 06:57 PM
Just ignore her. She used to do this nonsense back at livejournal.
 May 14 2009 07:56 PM
Well, I'd gladly ignore her, but this isn't LiveJournal, it's Hello!Online.

It's ok to disagree in topics, it's ok to have different opinions - it's also ok to have a different sense of humor - but being a troll is not ok. And those who persist in being a troll, will soon find out it's not acceptable.

 May 14 2009 09:32 PM
Because this pic deserves a BUMP :D
 May 15 2009 03:25 AM
Exactly Krushaaaa. They should have something against trolls on here actually~
 burnt glitter
 May 15 2009 04:12 AM
^You're right, because all this time I thought "trolling" was against the rules and I just checked the rules and I didn't see anything about it on there....
 May 15 2009 11:10 PM
Sadly there is isn't. I thought there used to be one like on other forums but here they're allowed to fester until they something innappropiate where their comments just get deleted.
 May 15 2009 11:22 PM
We do not need outline every litte minutiae that is and isn't accepted here.

Being a jerk in general is bad taste. Being that will get you in trouble anywhere. When you go to a restaurant, you don't find a sign that says "Trolling is not accepted", because it's actually a given that people understands what's proper behaviour and not.

On Hello!Online, comments don't just get deleted. Users gets warned. Users gets suspended. And users gets banned.

But as should be with most of these things, it goes on "backstage" so to speak, so much of it passes by unnoticed.

I'm not gonna write down a rule that says "Trolling is not accepted" because this is rather inane and people should know better, and people should try to behave with a little more maturity. If this is too much to ask for, then I don't know what to say.
 May 17 2009 03:05 AM
lol I would love to be that inflatable dragon, just look at its face... he's in between two sets of heaven ^_____^
 May 17 2009 10:44 AM
Everything about Reina is awesome in this picture. I love when she does that cute face...damn that dragon floatie
 May 17 2009 01:09 PM
yes Reina's face is so cute isn't it? (^^) Mittsi looks adorable too!
 May 17 2009 08:49 PM
^^^ I know at least two users who have been banned without ever getting a warning.
They both got banned because an admin/mod had personal bad feelings against them, eventhough they didn't do anything bad on H!O itself. Even the explanation they got, contained a reason that does not exist as a reason for getting banned.

I have no trust in the "bureaucracy" of H!O.
Wrong people were banned in the past and people like Risa can go on freely forever, just because they got the senpai status ? Not cool...
 May 17 2009 09:24 PM
When warranted users can definitely get banned without any prior suspension, warning - whether technical or verbal. What a user do is what determines action and outcome from an administrative point of view. And that is clearly stated in the terms of service on this site.

I do not know what two users you are talking about, and the reasons for their bans, since your explanation of the case sounds ridiculous. But if you want to, you can talk to me in PM about it, not here.

Any site will have happenings where people get banned, it's only natural, since people absolutely cannot manage to respect a given site philosophy.

I'll tell you what: You go look at our total number of members on Hello!Online, and I will tell you that out of those, the large majority of bans having occured so far (which in terms of percentage, is much less than 1%), are all spambots or spammers. And out of those, there are so called "problem users" - those who cannot respect that there is an established site philosophy here, and a management staff, whom they refuse to respect - for whatever immature reasons. The number of these users is incredbly small, really.

Now, I'll tell you what again: I wish Hello!Online never had to ban any user, but sadly this is utopian thinking.

Regardless of who it is, break the rules and shit on our terms of service and you will get into trouble for it. Doesn't matter whether it's you, Kuno, my mom, Chisato or Tsunku.

And nobody goes on freely forever due to a status they have. If per chance I as a moderator have missed ♥ Risa's actions in the past, atleast I am aware now. And I have done something about it.

That you don't trust Hello!Online's management is a little disappointing. If people knew about all the things that occur backstage on any given forum online - regardless of what topic it is dedicated to - and the amount of hard work staff have to deal with - then perhaps you'd have some more gratitude, or rather, trust.

That's just me though, I don't know...

 ♥ Risa
 May 17 2009 09:50 PM
Excuse me? I've already talking to Krusha through PM and fyi I haven't done anything worth a ban so I'd REALLY like it if everyone could just stop bad mouthing and talking about me now.
 May 17 2009 10:01 PM
I agree.

Whatever concerns management, in terms of x user and y action and so on is between management members, and them alone.

If, as I said above, have done something about it (talked to ♥ Risa via PM), then case is closed. Clean sheets and whatever you want to call it.

If not, I'd have to be on a witch-hunt for every single member here who have done something objectable in the past, and there are many of those, since we are all human - but luckily, since we also are human, we learn. And due to this, we don't have any more problems.

So please...
 May 18 2009 10:28 AM
eeeeeenyways, I would give an arm and a leg just to be in between those twins XD
 May 18 2009 12:54 PM
lol I don't think you would be in between them, but to the side of one?