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Tsuji Nozomi,
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Uploaded on 14-April 09
By kanono_chan
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Tags: Tsuji Nozomi 

Non no 19

 Apr 14 2009 02:56 PM
Looking at the thumbnail.............XD
 Apr 14 2009 08:35 PM
man! her nails are crazy!

 Apr 15 2009 01:57 PM
Aside the nails, why do I just notice how sexy some girls are just after they graduate, marry and don't give a damn about wotas anymore? (;_;)
 Apr 15 2009 03:42 PM
@FMH; Because they don't have to be overly-cute anymore ?
However, tsuji is an exception, as she never was hot and in the other fotos absolutely isn't hot. It's just the bra + water I guess.
 Apr 15 2009 04:12 PM
those nails were for a normal sized person
 Apr 16 2009 08:14 AM
@cribbaz: I remember her PB, it sucked, but she had a nice body. Though she looks cuter now as a stick.
 Apr 16 2009 08:48 AM
^mmm.... somehow, i don't think even a normal sized person would want nails like that. they're practically useless. you can't do anything with those things.
 Apr 16 2009 08:49 AM
omg look at her chubby wittle sides!
i wanna poke em~ *pokepoke*
 Apr 16 2009 09:24 AM
^not true in my opinion, i have long nails but not as long as those about 0.5cm shorter and i can do heaps with them, maybe it's because i'm use to them. i can type really fast with them too. but the only problem is opening cans, you can chip them easily so you have to get someone to help you
 Apr 16 2009 04:45 PM
^you're right. i'm mostly referring to the decoration she's got. it looks like teensy little wedding veils.
 Apr 17 2009 07:29 PM
Says you. Tsuji-chan is awesome.
 Jan 04 2010 07:32 PM
I think Tsuji is the only idol I can see in a bikini and feel like laughing- she isn't ugly- it's just that I can't see her that way. XD