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Uploaded on 26-March 09
By pOuNd66
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Platinum 9 DISC (Normal Edition) at Kinokuniya - San Francisco store, Japan Center.

 Mar 26 2009 03:12 AM
they sell it there!
needa go there tommorow RIGHT AFTER SKOOL
 Mar 26 2009 03:14 AM
I wonder if they're charging $100+ for imported stuff.
 Mar 26 2009 03:49 AM
^what?? i sure hope it's not for that CD. sure i love morning musume, but i wouldn't pay 100 dollars for just one CD.

but man, i wish i had a place like that, that sold MM goods. *is bummed*
 Mar 26 2009 04:05 AM
i like how whoever took the pic made the cd stand upright and then took the picture lol.
 RocK PrinCeSs
 Mar 26 2009 04:52 AM
only $39

not 100
 Mar 26 2009 05:35 AM
39?! ugh .. too much

 Mar 26 2009 06:11 AM
Here, any import cd is above $40.
I'd buy. Maybe if the "physical" sales are good, we can expect more of them in western lands! (^___^)
 Mar 26 2009 06:28 AM
About the same price if you pre-oder from net.
And if I had a chance I'd buy it from local store for the same reason FMH said.

btw, Thanks to RocK PrinCeSs. She take this picture and send it to me. ^^
 Mar 26 2009 06:44 AM
Notice what is just to the right? Yeap. Karen Girl's. Best ever. I wish this pic was centered on that instead. :D
 Mar 26 2009 07:44 AM
you could just get it on itunes $9.99
 Mar 26 2009 08:07 AM
I guess I'm old school, I always remembered seeing the Import stuff at FYE costing a lot, but I haven't been inside a music shop for like 10 years. :)
 Mar 26 2009 08:14 AM
^that's where i got my copy. good ol itunes. still, i'd like a physical copy.
 RocK PrinCeSs
 Mar 26 2009 08:42 AM
or $59 umm...im getting a little confused
will check the price again later :)
 Mar 26 2009 02:12 PM
yeah i might get it when i go to tokyo next week
 Mar 26 2009 04:03 PM
Sigh... $59 is pretty expensive, but I would -yet- take the chance of buying a Morning Musume CD in a western store and encourage everyone who liked it to buy too! ♥
 Mar 26 2009 04:30 PM
39 dollars is how much it's supposed to cost, only a little bit more. 3780 yen is about $39.
 Mar 26 2009 05:03 PM
It can't be expected to get it new and cheaper for a while. There's a set price and a date that signifies how long it has to remain that price.* You figure the importers are going to have to make it a little higher since they're probably paying more than what the in-Japan stores are paying.

* For some reason, Tower Records seems to have some CDs set at different prices; not sure how they get around that.