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"Zhao Guo Rong, Youko",

"Qiu Cui Ling, Reirei",

"Zhong An Qi, Anchii",

"Zeng De Ping, Peipei",
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Uploaded on 13-March 09
By Nayok-Kihara
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 600x450
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Mar 13 2009 03:18 AM
"Super Model Battle" xD

I think.. Anchii wins.
 Mar 13 2009 02:06 PM
Anchii looks super hot, but Peipei is totally amazing.
 Mar 13 2009 06:08 PM
Youko <3<3
 Mar 14 2009 01:08 AM
anchii... HOT

haha I love peipei's pose in the back XD
 Helder Ribeiro
 Mar 14 2009 01:14 AM
Anchii wins!!
 Mar 14 2009 01:32 AM
looks like they're posing in the bathroom.
 Mar 14 2009 02:55 AM
^ They are posing in the bathroom. xD

Anyone else notice that PeiPei still has her RR21 PV outfit on?
 Mar 14 2009 03:07 AM
oh yeah? that's hilarious! i suppose the bathroom had the best lighting? *shrugs*
 Mar 14 2009 02:19 PM
lol awesome pic ^^