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Tags: Tsunku 

South Korea

 Aug 08 2010 10:00 AM
Hey gang, dig this! I'm holding a audition for new members of Morning Musume! Oh that's right - I need to tell you that it's to replace Eri who has a serious skin condition. Was going to announce that first but never mind. Oh, and here's another thing - those two exchange students? Yeah, I'm chucking them back to wherever they came from. I figured that would be a great idea, like, ten minutes ago-OH MY GOD MAKOTO HOLD THAT KID! And now for my next announcement - I'm going to punch this child in the face! Get a mop ready while I make sure my ring's sticking out; okay, here we go...
 Aug 08 2010 10:04 AM
Go eat Makoto's d!<k tsunku!!! >:(
 Aug 08 2010 10:05 AM
つんく♂, you should have graduated long time ago! You're going insane!
 Aug 08 2010 10:08 AM
I loled... I'm not mad at Tsunku for graduating Kame-chan, for the reasons, but i am mad about the pandas!!
 Aug 08 2010 10:18 AM
That was epic, honestly that was probably the most awesome post I've ever read here.

I swear, Tsunku's going senile, knowing him, he probably realized it and decided to go down in the most bizarre way possible.
 Aug 08 2010 10:37 AM
Tsunku is definitely losing it.
 Gakuto Tatari
 Aug 08 2010 10:57 AM
Ok, ENK48? Throwing out the pandas? (Can't help it in Eri's case :/) 9th generation audition?

He's gone flipping mad.

This graduation could very well be the deadliest blow to Momusu's already declining popularity :(
 Aug 08 2010 11:12 AM
seriously produce, thats the best godamned thing i've read all day
it didn't hurt that, in my mind,
tsunku was being read/voiced by adam west (^___^)
 Aug 08 2010 11:13 AM

Tsunku in a nutshell.
 Aug 08 2010 11:16 AM
Seriously.. first the ENK48 then the pandas?(Eri isn't his fault)
Nooooooooesssss LinLin.. JunJun ToT Don't leave me please T_________T

 Aug 08 2010 11:27 AM
oh lawd, is that sum "cool guy face"?

all we need now is a pic of tsunku pointing with the caption "you mad"
 Aug 08 2010 11:38 AM
Tsunku you brad......
My turtle....
Don't let her leave......
 Aug 08 2010 12:04 PM
Remember, if it's not for graduations, none of those girls would've joined. As much as we're gonna miss them, it is part of MM's tradition.
 Aug 08 2010 12:20 PM
Tsunku you are hated in many ways >.>
 Aug 08 2010 12:23 PM
and by many people >.>
 Aug 08 2010 12:33 PM
..well, there you have it. I'm super excited for 9th gen auditions. Maybe it will save them.

Although I'm crushed that Kame is leaving too, it's for the best and I hope she'll be able to recover soon ♥
 Aug 08 2010 01:01 PM
I don't like you anymore Tsunku. :'(
 Aug 08 2010 01:11 PM
I'm sure it's all for the best. I trust Tsunku♂.
 Eririn Mikan
 Aug 08 2010 02:47 PM
super BOO u Tsunku♂!!
 Suzukira Hikari
 Aug 08 2010 03:53 PM
As much as a trust him with this dicision, this man almost had a tantrum from me, me being a major panda's fan. I mean COME ON!!!! JunLin's barely been in MM! He better put some good hard thought in choosing the 9th gen!
 Aug 08 2010 04:30 PM
^Agreed, one more Mitsui and I'll rage the living shit out of whole Japan.
 Aug 08 2010 04:47 PM
bad move.
 Aug 08 2010 04:49 PM
what is ENK48? ill have to somewhat take Tsunku's side. Its not like he could have done anything about Eri's skin condition. And at least it sounds like a real thing and shes getting a graduation, unlike Kanna's mysterious 6 month bunion injury. I liked JunJun and LinLin but really there were not that popular I heard in japan and they didnt bring much popularity to china either. Really we should be thankful that the great recession has not killed H!P (yet) at least. Tough times are coming ahead for Japan and USA. but then i doubt we will worrry about such trivial things as idols and more likely were we will get our next meal.
 Aug 08 2010 05:09 PM
Maybe a 5 person Musume will get some more fans for Aika. She's not bad or anything and she has a fun personality. It's just that she doesn't stick out because she's just nice; she's not weird like Eri or over cutsey like Sayu or eternal like Gaki and Ai or a BA yankii like Reina. She's just nice. It didn't help that Aika was pretty much the least wanted by fans of everyone in the 8th gen auditions. Maybe now we can get a solid 5 person MoMusu base that spans more than 2 generations.
 Aug 08 2010 05:12 PM
^ ENK48 is this enka group that Tsunku is thinking about creating (basically copying AKB48 but with enka singers). He must be feeling nostalgic.
I had a feeling he would graduate JunLin. But poor Eri, I hope she gets better soon.
And honestly, 9th gen better be amazing if Tsunku wants to save Momusu.
 Aug 08 2010 05:31 PM
i hope you'll regret this old man
 Aug 08 2010 05:55 PM
OMG Tsunku♂ <3

 Aug 08 2010 07:33 PM
...Wow (o_o) lol. Thanks for the compliments. (^_^)

IMO, although it's true that a shakeup is needed every once in a while to bring MM to the public eye a bit more, I think it was a bad idea to graduate (deport?) JunJun & LinLin at the same time. Eri is likely upset enough about leaving; she might feel guilty about having two other members leaving at the same time. Give JunJun and LinLin another year at least, and let Eri leave in the best possible spirits. Hope she gets better soon.
 Aug 08 2010 08:54 PM
lol tproduce
 Aug 08 2010 09:12 PM
hello IDIOT
 Tiger Yuri
 Aug 08 2010 10:17 PM
 Aug 08 2010 10:21 PM
Senile pervert. ;____;

(Okay, the senile part is from just recently. Always that he was a pervert. Ever watch the 5th gen auditions? He was staring at the girls and licking his lips. So, just a personal conviction of mine.....)

We'll see about the 9th gen. That is the only thing that is keeping me a fan of Momusu. I

@Cutiegirl: I'm right there with you. But probably not IN japan, seeing as I am broke. :P
 Aug 08 2010 10:25 PM
For some reason I'm still loving and respecting Tsunku. LOL. He's my superhero XD
 Aug 08 2010 10:49 PM
^He's too creepy for me. xD The licking of the lips, the inspiration for KP, and a few other factors are just too 'ew.' Some of the greatest things come out of the creepiest and sickest people. (Though Tsunku is very low on that list, mind you.)
 Aug 08 2010 10:59 PM
"And said, Naked came they out of their mothers' wombs, and naked shall they return thither: the Tsunku♂ gave, and the Tsunku♂ hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Tsunku♂. In all this Wota sinned not, nor charged Tsunku♂ foolishly." -- Job 1:21-22 (J-Idol Version)
 Tiger Yuri
 Aug 08 2010 11:06 PM
 Aug 08 2010 11:07 PM
MOCHU you are a blasphemer and nonbeliever in His perfection and brilliance.
 Aug 08 2010 11:15 PM
A+ idiot
 Aug 08 2010 11:28 PM
Tsunku♂ gave me Junjun, and now he takes her back. Unlike other spoiled and misguided children I will not whine and throw a tantrum, but thank Him that I ever had her at all.
 Aug 08 2010 11:36 PM
^ Are you a member of some つんく♂'s Witnesses? :D
 Tony Nakagawa
 Aug 08 2010 11:44 PM
This was an excellent move and the start of even bigger things to come. You know, Sayumi is being groomed for leadership. I figure once the new girls come on board, Ai and Risa will be graduated pretty quickly. Sayumi, in all her beauty and glory, will step in as leader with Reina being sub-leader. It wouldn't be surprising if this next audition is to select not just 3 new girls... but 5 or even 6 new cuties.

Hopefully this new Morning Musume will bring a return of the excitement and fun we used to expect. I'm quite pleased and very positive about the way things are shaping up.
 Aug 09 2010 12:03 AM
reina's got more of a leadership personality despite youunger than sayu
 Aug 09 2010 12:41 AM
Either way the new Momusu girls will make Morning Musume, or break it.
 Aug 09 2010 01:04 AM
I see Sayu as being groomed for a life after MoMusu. Mainly a variety idol. She'd be great at going on shows and being snarky all the time instead of only when she doesn't have rehearsals.
 Aug 09 2010 01:19 AM
good boy, good decision.
 Aug 09 2010 03:01 AM
Two recognitions by Cardi!

Sorry, you're just going to have to burn me at the stake.
 Aug 09 2010 03:10 AM
I'm just really happy for 9th gen :P
 Helder Ribeiro
 Aug 09 2010 03:53 AM

There is only ONE Aika, it can't be worst!
 Aug 09 2010 04:06 AM
F#&K Y*U tsunku. seriously.
 Aug 09 2010 04:06 AM
^You might have jinxed yourself.

(I posted the requirements for the audition in the 9th gen + graduation thread. Basically, they are looking for someone who has yet to blossom, so we'll see.)
 Aug 09 2010 06:12 AM
I hope Tsunku clones Aika and adds four more of her to Momusu. :p
 Aug 09 2010 08:53 PM
^ So do I, I can imagine the outrage. It'll be hilarious to watch.