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Kamei Eri,

Kusumi Koharu,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

Michishige Sayumi,

Mitsui Aika,

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,

Tanaka Reina,
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Uploaded on 23-February 09
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Feb 23 2009 08:10 AM
i really think they should've given them a different hairstyle. it's not complimenting to them at all.
 Feb 23 2009 08:21 AM
Mittsi, what happened?! D: And Sayu is one of the only ones working this, IMO. Reina, too, but it's too close to her usual hairstyle for that to be a surprise.
 ♥ Risa
 Feb 23 2009 09:06 AM
Everyone in the first row looks awesome....back row I think only Koha and Sayu look good. Everyone else is just like... blah
 Feb 23 2009 09:15 AM
Yeah, I feel Michishige is about the is about the only one who even remotely belongs under that hair.
 Feb 23 2009 09:16 AM
Looks like someone let the stylist experiment with this one.
 Feb 23 2009 05:47 PM
Sayumi will look gorgeous no matter what atrocities you do to her hair. It's just what she does.
 Feb 23 2009 05:49 PM
I actually like the way they all look. :o
 Feb 23 2009 06:59 PM
Mittsi looks amazing~
 Feb 23 2009 07:50 PM
finally, risa not being pushed into the back
 Feb 23 2009 08:48 PM
I agree with ♥ Risa, everyone in the first row looks awesome, especially Risa and Reina for me, I love the colors of their hair. But I have to agree with ppl that said that Reina is too close of her usual hairstyle. Kohahu and Sayumii look great too. I don't like the look of the others.
 Miss Behave
 Feb 23 2009 08:53 PM
JunJun and LinLin (her's just just like they teased it way too much) really don't fit this kind of hair
I think Risa fits the most, she can really work curls
Reina doesn't look that bad either, and Ai and Sayu. Everyone else is.....like.....frayed
 Feb 23 2009 09:30 PM
^ Really? I think I'm the only one who thinks Junjun looks great with this hairstyle. xD
 Feb 23 2009 10:20 PM
when did risa become golden haired O.o
 Feb 23 2009 10:40 PM
I'm a little unsure what to think about JunJun and LinLin's hair...
 Feb 24 2009 12:31 AM
poor junjun.... those curls are not in the right place >.> (bahh that hurts just saying that...) if I ignore junjun's hair and just focus on her face she's looking great! XD

@azumagalicious: well atleast someone is thinking positive!! :)
 Feb 24 2009 04:34 AM
To me, Linlin's hair......looks very weird....OTZ and I agree that everyone in the front row look great. =]
 Feb 24 2009 04:40 AM
EvEryOne Looks Unusual Exc..RisA!!
wakaka..Thats Her Usual Hair..
CurLy hair Means Her so much!!^^
 Feb 24 2009 07:20 AM
Jun Jun looks like maimi here xD
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Feb 24 2009 09:54 AM
You can't even tell they did anything to Reina. That's how she always looks, basically. Koharu looks fine, too. And Mitsui's has a cute sort of Repunzel quality to it.

The rest: outlandish.
 Feb 24 2009 05:33 PM
EWWWW... Too curly.
 Feb 24 2009 05:46 PM
aichan looks great <333 =]]]
mittsi looks amazing too and ofcourse sayu
they all look good except lin lin in my opinion simply cuz thats the worst extention ive EVER seen aha