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Yoshizawa Hitomi,
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Uploaded on 15-February 09
By metayero
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Picture size: 567x1200
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Feb 16 2009 02:38 PM
Well, who'da thought, but this gets my vote for picture of the century. Why? Because:

I am looking for a job in Japan, basing myself just a bit outside of Tokyo. I saw this image, and noticed it was a special Yoshizawa Hitomi performance. 15th? That's yester... oh, 16th too? That's like... in eight hours! Should I go? What sort of question is that? Of course I should go. So I goed. And there was Yoshizawa Hitomi, about thirty feet away from me in a venue with about a hundred people. She and a live band cranked out about eight rockin' versions of Morning Musume songs, and even performed Yoshite Yoshite, to her own embarassment. It was kind of awesome.
 Feb 16 2009 02:48 PM
darn...how lucky you are...
 Apr 02 2009 06:56 AM
I am so jealous, queubert. ;3;