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Mano Erina,
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Uploaded on 05-February 09
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Mano Erina 

 Feb 06 2009 10:07 PM
Bumped, whacked, and smashed to bits for infinite and everlasting justice!!!
 Feb 06 2009 10:30 PM
Gawd! This photo should be enshrined as a sacred relic. So sweet and adorable!!
 Feb 06 2009 10:32 PM
she's just a teenager. granted she's an idol, but underneath that sugary coating, she's still a moody teenager.
 Feb 06 2009 10:52 PM
The Omnipotent Gods of H!P will strike you down with Divine Anger for uttering such Unholy Blasphemy!!!!! Shame on you!!!!!.
 Feb 06 2009 10:57 PM
Don't blame him, Mano's celestial and transcendental beauty is beyond any mortal understanding.
 Feb 06 2009 11:17 PM
^ "him" as is me? i'm not a guy. i's a lady!
 Feb 06 2009 11:22 PM
When did you become a lady? O-O Hmmmm sorry, gotta go and order some more cheeseburgers for Mano, she's hungry again so bye byeeeeeeeeee!!!
 Feb 06 2009 11:26 PM
lol sorry glasseyelashes, just having some fun. I always thought you were a guy for some reason lol

Edit. luvablemano, what is it with you and your cheeseburger obsession?
 Feb 06 2009 11:27 PM
I am so weirded out by all the Mano worship lately. Guess it just goes to show how popular something becomes when it's shoved down people's throats, really, because I almost never saw this before she started doing, like... ten magazine photoshoots a day.

edit: Not to say that I don't like her, because she's okay. I just find it very, very strange.
 Feb 07 2009 02:03 AM
miyabi_fanatic. you did? i suppose i don't have a very "feminine" way of writing, and i'm not the one to to "aww!! that's sooooooo cute!!!!" or the ever annoying "kawaii!!!" but yes, i am girl.

luvablemano. when did i become a girl? well the surgery was expensive, but all in all, it took about 3 years to become a fully functional female. annnnnnd of course i'm kidding. i'm 100% lady! :P it also sounds like you're keeping erina in a hidden room against her will, what with buying her cheeseburgers and all, "because she's hungry again."

 Feb 07 2009 04:23 AM
LOL@glasseyelasshes with all these hilarious comments, how can anyone not love this picboard?? :-)