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"Gu Yun, Guu-chan",
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Uploaded on 01-January 09
By Nayok-Kihara
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 Jan 01 2009 11:55 PM
she kind of looks like jessica alba
 jelly man
 Jan 02 2009 12:01 AM
 Jan 02 2009 12:15 AM
Taiwanese fug bratty Jessica Alba.
 Jan 02 2009 01:28 AM
^ What now?
 Jan 02 2009 01:44 AM
C'mon, Guu-chan is decent looking now that she's caked, but next to other Creamusumes she's quite fug.
 Jan 02 2009 01:55 AM
well she does sorta, except this girls eye is weirdish.
 Jan 02 2009 02:22 AM
"fug" is so harsh! it's pretty mean to say that about someone.
 Jan 02 2009 03:00 AM
"now that she's caked" ? Do you mean her makeup? :\ I actually find her to be really pretty and cute, even when she takes pictures of herself for her blog. In fact, she's one of my favorite members, though that doesn't have anything to do with her being cute.

The one I'm not quite into on the looks scale is PeiPei, but I still don't think she's ugly. She just has a more awkward prettiness about her. Esspecially if you catch her at the right angle in a photo, she can pull off some really pretty shots.
 Jan 02 2009 03:09 AM
^i agree. there's something about her eyes too. once she gets older, she'll really know how to use them, and have everyone melting. i actually really like peipei. i think she's absolutely gorgeous. i like her unconventional look, especially now with her boyish haircut.
 Jan 02 2009 03:56 AM
Dunno, Guu-chan is just too weird to my liking. Maybe she needs to get more photogenic (everyone looks pretty awkward in the beginning).
Oh, and about the harsh words, I'm sorry, I don't mean a half of what the word means, it's just the first thing that comes to mind and it's easier to define. Damn internet slangs eh. Plus English isn't my first language, so I forget to measure the meanings lol
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Jan 02 2009 03:56 AM
PeiPei is really pretty, regardless of angle. The girls I find most appealing just from the pictures are PeiPei and Shenshen. Keep in mind that's based on nothing other than photos, since they haven't done anything, at all.

Honestly, I don't think there's much purpose to even forming any impressions of them yet. Wait until there's a single, or something. Plus, the songs are going to be in Chinese, or something, right? Not sure how well that will go over with everyone.
 Jan 02 2009 04:51 AM
The PV is out already, it's in Taiwanese and it sounds like starting THE Possible. Kinda sucks :\
 Jan 02 2009 05:59 AM
^ Yeah, kulitexd is right. Their first PV just came out the other day, and they already had a cover of Renai Revolution 21 in Chinese going around after being played on the radio in Taiwan. Both are on YouTube, though the PV isn't in good quality. (It was in decent quality on the Yahoo link in the girls threads, though the player is smaller.) Also, they're starting off with a mini-album with several MM cover songs on it, two original songs, and two of the songs are going to be in Japanese.

Unlike kulitexd, I liked the song (minus the lack of solos for all girls except one), and thought the PV was really freakin' adorable. xD And on my comment about PeiPei; I agree, she is pretty, I just find that she has an awkward prettiness about her, instead of traditional, and in certain pictures I think she looks stunning. Esspecially during one of her close-ups in the PV.
 Jan 02 2009 06:41 AM
@kuiltexd (i probably just butchered your name). no worries, it's just the word "fug" is short for "f*cking ugly" , and that's pretty hardcore to say, but even worse to say about someone else. that said, i looked for the pv, but i can't find it. is there any way that there could be a link provided? i'd love to see it.
 Jan 02 2009 06:46 AM
^ Not a problem at all. I'll give all the links that I was given here, and PM you them as well to ensure you get them.

YouTube (Low Quality):

Taiwan Yahoo (Decent/Good Quality, Small Player, IE Users Only): http://tw.music.yaho...ng.html?id=x...;trial=cFP7OmE04SWXlI0ZbI0Zb0P4

KKBox (I couldn't figure out how to use this one, but also for IE Users only): http://www.kkbox.com.../x-LLw7eSXVI...
 Jan 02 2009 08:56 AM
@glasseyelashes: ""fug" is so harsh! it's pretty mean to say that about someone. " - How about when you called a wota "creepy bald guy" then?
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Jan 02 2009 01:11 PM
^ hahaha. Boom goes the dynamite.
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jan 02 2009 09:30 PM
Guu-chan is cute for me! And she dances very well too ^^
 Jan 03 2009 01:07 AM
@glasseyelashes: yah, I know what fug means lol but fault teh internets for fugging my English
 Aug 15 2009 08:35 AM
^ I can accept you calling her fug if that's your opinion but where does "bratty" come from?