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Abe Asami (Kansai),
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Uploaded on 16-December 08
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Dec 16 2008 04:50 AM
OMG, Kansai Christmas. LOVE.
 Dec 16 2008 08:41 AM
Finally some SI*NA ;_;
We need more of them. Do want Christmas Iwashima and Nana <3
 Dec 16 2008 08:56 AM
Aww, Suma too, haha. IDK, I just think she's gorgeous.

edit: Also, SI*NA must release a single. Now. Preferably, a mini-album. :D
 Dec 16 2008 11:01 AM
I haven't the chance of knowing the girls better because they're hidden in Tsunku's basumento in Kansai, so I liked Iwashima and Nana because of some pics. But Suma sings well as far as I know and ignoring the giant head pictures she's pretty much gorgeous.

Yes, SI*NA needs to release SOMETHING. I miss when H!P threw shitloads of releases on us and made us love the girls no matter how (I.E: C-ute's boom, Koharu the "miracle").