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Sengoku Minami,
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Uploaded on 18-November 08
By GordieHowe
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Tags: Sengoku Minami 

 Nov 18 2008 05:16 PM
suddenly sengoku pops in a row of berryz pics and I thought "WAT MAASA??" lol @ first glance
 Nov 18 2008 05:50 PM
What is she doing in this set, anyway? I know they're using the Eggs a lot more for backdancing and stuff, but it's weird to see her in the costume. o_O I <3 Sengoku, though, haha.

edit: Sorry, I didn't see that someone else asked the same thing right below this one. XD;
 Nov 18 2008 06:10 PM
It's for Berryz Koubou VS Berryz Koubou" She acts the new member of BK^^
 Nov 19 2008 09:51 AM
 Legend of Spira
 Nov 19 2008 02:50 PM
Whats wrong with her being a future berryz member? I personally don't really care if she is or not.
 Nov 19 2008 03:00 PM
Dunno. Now taking a second look, she looks so... Berryz. LOL. She looks like she would fit, but the line-up is great as it is now. But if Sengoku joins BK, I WANT SAWADA IN C-UTE XD
 Nov 19 2008 03:27 PM
She did fit in well in the new DVD mag haha. Give her a chance until you know more about her :P (seems like noone do know her >_<)
 Nov 19 2008 08:37 PM
yeah ,i think so,give her a chance ,Berryz had been 8 members before and.. she so pretty^^
 Nov 19 2008 10:38 PM
It will be fair to Sengoku to be in BK only if Yuri gets a chance to shine too, in C-ute. ;_;
 Nov 19 2008 11:04 PM
Ahaha, just when I'd accepted the line-up the way it was... Forever missing Maiha~ XD

I can think of a lot more Eggs that need the exposure, though. The Gatas Eggs have already had their time to shine, if you ask me, no matter how amazing all of them are.
 Legend of Spira
 Nov 19 2008 11:08 PM
^ The only other egg that would be deserving of being the next top Berryz would be Ogawa Saki. In my opinion atleast.
 Nov 19 2008 11:15 PM
^ o lawd, I detest Ogawa Saki. I don't know, I just... she bothers me. D: Talented, but she monopolizes way too much of the Egg concerts, I think.

I want Maa to meet her Egg twin Tanaka Anri. XD
 Nov 20 2008 12:25 AM
Oh no, let her just act. Berryz is perfect the way it is now.
 Nov 20 2008 12:36 AM
^ Agreed. :\ I really wouldn't like another member added to Berryz out-of-the-blue. Or even with warning. Not that I have any control over it, but I really really hope (and am pretty sure) she's just acting in the play.
 Nov 20 2008 02:31 AM
I'd say it doesn't matter who's been given a chance before or not. You deserve your spot. And Minami should definitely have some experience now after being in OG for over a year.
 Nov 20 2008 11:08 AM
Now thinking twice, I would die happy if they let Yuri join C-ute. And then Sengoku joins Berryz, whatever. (lol @ me)
And Gatas will be over when the EC members get their butts kicked. And poor Yuri Sawada (and Sengoku) will get no unit... ;_;~

(lol me wants some yuri, yes)