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Kumai Yurina,

Sugaya Risako,

Natsuyaki Miyabi,
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Uploaded on 26-October 08
By sayumeena
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 Lovely I-Chan
 Oct 26 2008 08:54 AM
Risako legs!! OMG!!

She's really chubby....
 Sakura Ichigo
 Oct 26 2008 11:01 AM
doesn't help with the fringe, the checker print pattern and the cutting of the pants
 Oct 26 2008 12:41 PM
i <3 my fatty
 Oct 27 2008 04:09 AM
holy geez! she's not THAT chubby. i've seen alot worse, and she's nowhere near that. i wouldn't even say she was fat.
 May 28 2009 01:54 PM
eh? who cares if she is, she's looks cute and suits it.
 May 28 2009 02:01 PM
^ Agreed. :3
 May 28 2009 02:41 PM
I like legs like those better than legs of some models who are just made of bones.
 May 28 2009 03:19 PM
Oh god, this dumb "girl xxx is skinny/fat" trolling must stop.
 May 28 2009 04:28 PM
It's really getting annoying that everyone is saying Risakos getting fatter. She's an amazing singer and a great member of berryz koubou!
 May 28 2009 05:05 PM
OMG her legs have ... ... SHAPE!!
Pfff, people, I can admit some of her pictures don't come out great, but she looks lovely in here.
 May 28 2009 05:51 PM
I think Risako is still the cutest girl ever
She's just been having some bad luck in her photos lately
Don't forget! She's standing beside Yurina and Miya - and that makes a difference
 May 28 2009 07:15 PM


(yes, I am joking. If that's fat, I am freaking obese.)
 May 28 2009 08:19 PM
OMG she's not fat at all.. I guess that most girls in Europe has more "fat" legs than she has and I don't think they're "fat".. that's just stupid.. maybe she's not that skinny like Japanese models or other idols, but what's the problem? Everybody has to be skinny?? Why? By the way, even the guys like different kind of girls, I know these who prefer fat girls (I mean really fat) and I think there's nothing bad about it.. let her live!

But well, some of her later pics are kinda bad, but that'st all...
 May 28 2009 08:38 PM
risako is perfect size ^o^
 May 28 2009 08:47 PM
its a subjective view...she wouldnt be called fat in the west, but its asian fat. sizes usa 8 (euro 38) or less are the common female sizes in asia or should i say prefered size, anything above this is called fat in asia. thats how asians perceive it and generally feel that western girls are bigger in every way. im sure her BMI is fine.

this pic is actually quite cute. esp her facial expression. dont know why ppl are picking on her in this pic. why are all risako's old pic bumped up?
 May 28 2009 10:46 PM
Oh my risako i love you chubby or not! you're always cute!
 May 28 2009 11:03 PM
Geez if that is fat/chubby I must be part whale then x.x
Risako looks adorable there!
 May 29 2009 03:01 AM

She's healthy, she's fine, shes perfect. She's fifteen years old! Between Reina being too thin and Risako being too fat, I'm about to explode. JEEZ
 May 29 2009 08:06 PM
she looks pretty normal to me.
 May 29 2009 11:08 PM
Risako, fat?
 May 30 2009 03:51 AM
fat or not, i love her!! >.<
 Apr 05 2010 04:08 AM
Those legs are SEXY. Not fat. You people need to get your head out from your a**.
