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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 08-October 08
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

2009 caledar

 Oct 08 2008 09:21 PM
Notice that the three leads are not in shadow?
Cool pic thought.
 ★Shining Star★
 Oct 08 2008 09:25 PM
Yea you'r right, well I'm glad my fav is in the sun. But it might just be an accident.
 Oct 08 2008 09:30 PM
^That's not an accident, Kusumi sells. As much as some others may hate it; no need to get defensive about your love for Kusumi now. lol

Mitsui has her cute little forehead showing. Very nice. We got a few strange poses going on here though I must say looking at 2nd and 3rd line.
 burnt glitter
 Oct 08 2008 09:33 PM
@ ★Shining Star★, LOL. For some reason your comment made me laugh.

Maybe this could have happened...
Director: *puts Koha in sun* OOPS! My mistake. Koha, you and Linlin switch places.
Koha: .... ;___; so cold...
Linlin: >:D
 Oct 08 2008 09:58 PM
tbh, their positions in photo's does seem, and probably is, complete random. Everyone who wants attention gets it.

Oh and, awesome picture btw! ^^
Love the look on Ai, chillin like a villain! <3
 ★Shining Star★
 Oct 08 2008 10:36 PM
@Risa/Misa LOL you got me, tried to praise a Special K a little bit less, and defensive since it seems to annoy some people, and I wasn't aware of that.
 ♥ Risa
 Oct 08 2008 11:15 PM
I'd actually say that Junjun's the only one in the shade... >> Seriously though if people actually look you can see almost everyone has some sun except her xD
 Oct 09 2008 10:13 AM
^Yeah, but first three has most sun and next five has little less sun. And then we have Junjun in the shadow.
@TRA I don't think this positions are random, their managment abosolutely pushes forward Ai&Reina&Koharu all the time.
I like the picture.
 Oct 09 2008 11:10 AM
ai chan's pose is so bad@$$ lol....she kind of looks like one.
 Oct 10 2008 10:47 AM
Looking at Ai-chan, the mature look on her face tell you she has grown up. Even her clothes shows it...
 Dec 25 2008 05:40 PM
idk why, and it's hard to tell u guys, but i kinda HATE koharu. i've tried so hard not to hate her, but i just can't... gomen ne, minna~~ T_T