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Sugaya Risako,
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Uploaded on 05-October 08
By sherox
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Tags: Sugaya Risako 

 Oct 06 2008 10:31 AM
She look extremely beautiful in this pic.

I really like her smile, the same as when she was young.
 Oct 06 2008 03:47 PM
when she was young? lol
 Oct 06 2008 06:54 PM
her smile looks nothing like when she was young. at least back then her teeth were crooked but they looked like real teeth. now they made her fix her teeth cuz shes the 'queen of bk' and her teeth look fake.

gosh i gotta start liking her better. it can't wooooork :(
 ★Shining Star★
 Oct 06 2008 10:06 PM
^I kinda agree, I liked her natural teeth more, same as I liked Kago's and Tsuji's fangs more. Always wanted Kago to bite me with her fangs. :P *drool*
 Oct 07 2008 05:03 AM
lol..those are not fake teeth...back then she still had her baby teeth..thats why its all crooked...now that shes older..its been replaced with permanent teeth..didnt any of you go through this phase in your lives....???
 Oct 07 2008 05:13 AM
^No, she definitely had her teeth fixed. Her two front teeth *may* be real, but at the very least, the two on either side of both of them are fake. Baby teeth/permanent teeth have absolutely nothing to do with the changes, especially since they were quite literally overnight. Pictures of her from even a few years ago make this pretty obvious.
 burnt glitter
 Oct 07 2008 05:49 AM
royalpalmtree's right. Risako deffo got her teeths fixed. Her teeth weren't really that bad at all... They were kinda like Airi's if I remember correctly.
 Sakura Ichigo
 Oct 07 2008 06:14 AM
well they might not be fake.
but they always made aritist wear clear braces
the one that set the teeth's shape while her new teeth are growing
they're just shaping it as it goes.

with kago and stuff. the teeth is part of their signature
it's like eri's.

it's perfect to mold their look from so young
so they have heaps of time to grow and stuff
makes you wonder if it is all part of the yuong idol thing
so they have time to mold their look
 Oct 07 2008 08:20 AM
True, Risako's teeth were "jacked up" up until late 2006. I believe risako has lingual braces (the brackets are on the backside of her teeth). In late 2006, her canine teeth were high and her lateral incisor were pushed in. The high canines will make biting down diificult since the teeth are not lined up. Being over 12yrs old, those were her adult teeth and a perfect time to get dental work. I would not be surprise to see a lot of the younger girls getting their teeth done (if they choose to), since their adult teeth are grown in.

Some thought that Risako got porcelain veneers like Tsuji. Tsuji's lateral incisors are veneers because you can tell from the different colors between the teeth. In a matter of 2-3 months, Risako's teeth were straight. With braces, it is not uncommon to straighten teeth within 2 months. It must have been painful because the teeth had to move a lot in that short amount of time (if you have had braces, you know what I mean).

If you look at a close up version of their recent MVs, you can see the anchor bands on the second molar from the back when she opens her mouth wide. The anchor bands are for the wires. You should be able to see 4 bands on all the 2nd molars. I saw two anchor bands on her left side; one on the top and one on the bottom, which leads me to believe she has lingual braces.

I have noticed that ever since she had her teeth done, she smiles way more, which adds to her beauty. I can't wait to see how she will look like when she grows up. If she is so pretty now, imagine how beautiful she will be when she's an adult.
 ★Shining Star★
 Oct 07 2008 12:10 PM
^Ohh wow what a great review. Are you dentist or something? Amazing observing skills!
 Oct 07 2008 01:19 PM
Her smile may have been cute with crooked teeth, but you have to consider the damage unaligned teeth cause. It puts an immense amount of strain on the jaw and temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). "Now they made her fix her teeth cuz shes the 'queen of bk' and her teeth look fake." Doesn't anyone consider that Risako could be in pain and unable to chew food properly?
 Oct 07 2008 09:24 PM
As someone who has "not-so-nice" teeth, I really, REALLY doubt she was "forced" into fixing her teeth. She was probably ecstatic to have the chance for a nicer smile.
 burnt glitter
 Oct 08 2008 05:23 AM
@ wannahockaloogie, thanks for all of that information! I most certainly couldn't have picked that out by myself. You sound like a dentist, or at least a dental assistant. <3