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Miyoshi Erika,
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Uploaded on 05-October 08
By ojamarushe
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Tags: Miyoshi Erika 

 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Oct 05 2008 02:20 AM
There is nothing more tragic than an idol with nothing to do. Yet, everyday more and more idols are faced with the prospect of having no singles, no dramas, not even a fan club event to keep them occupied.

That's where Adopt an Idol comes in. Sponsoring an idol for just $1 a day is a wonderful way to help change the life of an idol in need and bring hope to her community. Being a sponsor will give you the chance to build a new relationship with one special idol who will know you made a difference.

When you make a gift, your contributions are pooled with that of other sponsors of idols in the community where your idol lives. Your idol receives health care, voice lessons, dance training, nutritious food, and, most of all, they benefit from the knowledge that they still have fans that support them.

Join Adopt an Idol and help to bring compassion and justice to the world's poorest idols. For just a dollar a day, you can help your idol step confidently into the futureā€¦

So, won't you pick up the phone, and make a difference today?
 Oct 05 2008 02:23 AM
^That made my day. *bows down*
 burnt glitter
 Oct 05 2008 02:36 AM
 Oct 05 2008 03:09 AM
*headdesk* truly inspired. Wish she had more to do; she was my fav member of Biyuden
 Oct 05 2008 03:10 AM
lololololololol I wanna adopt risako, I'll keep her in a job ...
 Oct 05 2008 04:31 AM
This... this just made my day.
The solemn picture... all of it damn it. It made my day.

 Oct 05 2008 05:04 AM
I call Yaguchi! Do I get one of those little cards with her picture and an update on what my contributions are doing for her?
 Oct 05 2008 06:01 AM
xD hahahah made may day!!
For a second a thought your were serious until *That's where Adopt an Idol comes in* LOL
Ok i can keep Kame and Miyoshi xD ok and mybe Ai-chan and Risako! xD
Does Reina come with Kame? and Risa with Ai-chan?
 Oct 05 2008 06:56 AM
Can I call this epic? Whatever I think it is XD
Made my day and I would like to adopt an idol too~
 Oct 05 2008 03:00 PM
Hilarious, you rock The Incredible He-Hulk.
 Oct 07 2008 04:33 AM
Funny stuff.
I salute you He-Hulk.