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Fujimoto Miki,
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Uploaded on 04-October 08
By hurtwou
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Tags: Fujimoto Miki 

 Oct 04 2008 02:41 PM
she needs something to spice up her looks..
i mean she looked ok now..
but its just that..
she doesn't have that wow factor anymore...other than her voice..she's just the great voice...with blunt look
 Oct 04 2008 04:49 PM
She's an enka singer now :o. Promoting her enka music... sigh. For me she still is just as beautiful <3. If you want to see cooler styles then go check out Grease Musical stuff.
 Oct 04 2008 06:12 PM
@ gordoカバ: really? Now, i can undertand the reasons she was singing so many times with YUKI MAEDA :good:
 Oct 04 2008 10:02 PM
Her music style right now is NOT Enka ... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enka )
It's call kayoukyoku (http://en.wikipedia..../wiki/Kayōkyoku )

It's hard to distinguish the 2 styles but really .. Enka sounds a lot different than kayou
Just listen to Maeda Yuki and you see the different o_O

 Oct 05 2008 02:00 AM
^ oh... thanks reading... reading...
 Oct 05 2008 12:59 PM
Hehe, sorry hurtwou. I think I read about an event this week she went to though that was considered as an enka festival though? *checks logs*

This: http://sankei.jp.msn...s/music/0809...

I've always heard that enka is a wide genre with a lot of subgenres. Maybe I should have checked my facts before starting talking about it :). But still, point standing. She's not doing "bubblegum pop" in MM or the more adult popish/rnbish style in GAM. She got a different target audience.
 Oct 07 2008 03:06 PM
im not talking abt her songs..
im talking abt her looks...
just because she's singing some 'slow ballad-kayou ish" songs doesn't mean she can't make herself looked a lot better than a blunt look..
