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Kusumi Koharu,

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 29-September 08
By metayero
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Picture size: 1189x1224
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Sep 29 2008 09:21 PM
linlin and ai-chan are so cute together!! <3<3<3
 â˜…Shining Star★
 Sep 30 2008 06:39 PM
I'm glad you didnt mention Koharu since it would be unfair to compare the girls in something they have no chance to compete. Miracle cutenes is unbeatable.
 Oct 05 2008 07:26 AM
/begin sarcasm For goodness sake SS, can you please once, just once stop taking that special koharu crack formula x? It makes all the haters break their keyboards in half, bang their heads on their desks till they bleed, and throw their computer out of the window! Damn, your special weapon is too dangerous, yknow? /end sarcasm
 Dec 09 2008 01:57 PM
nice speech kazuma....... i dont know you can say that?.... even 4 an sarcasm....