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Tanaka Reina,
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Uploaded on 14-September 08
By Legend of Spira
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Tags: Tanaka Reina 

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 Sep 14 2008 08:18 AM
And this is the girl who keeps talking about needing to lose weight? I'm worried.
 Sep 15 2008 10:18 AM
 Sep 15 2008 10:27 AM
She's looked worse, really. She doesn't look unhealthy here to me at all. However, I'd undertake the task of hand-feeding her if it came down to it.
 ♥ Risa
 Sep 15 2008 11:08 AM
Yes because we all know skin and bones is healthy for girls all over the world. Famous people do it, so it must be right
 Sep 15 2008 12:27 PM
I don't mean to start a flamewar or anything, but that totally misconstrued my meaning. I was saying her appearance in that picture didn't strike me as being unhealthy, and that she has been in pictures where she seemed skinnier. Maybe it's just my perception of the angle used in this photo, maybe my threshold for thinking someone looks unhealthy is less extreme than yours. In any event, healthy or not is a fact, appearance of such is subjective.

I've seen girls and thought "that's unhealthily skinny", and Tanaka is even one of them. It's just not the case in this picture. I could also care less about what famous people do in general, and I have no idea where that comment came from.
 Sep 15 2008 03:18 PM
I don't know she looks healthy and all but,
there is no muscles.
She should atleast give her muscles some curves :P, and a little meat never hurted anyone. (Unless its coming from America >:P!!!!!)
 Sep 15 2008 08:50 PM
i know people are getting sick and tired of people calling her unhealthy looking etc etc but im just gonna put my opinion out there.
imo she is underweight, people argue that its just her natural blah blah blah but the fact she still thinks she needs to lose weight worries me tbh. love the girl but thats not healthy, and i dont think some people understand that eating disorders (im not saying for one second she has one) is a psychological thing so i do worry that she is getting dangerously close.

its no wonder loads of girls crash diet etc etc if people are saying this is normal and healthy coz quie frankly it makes somebody like me who is neither under or over weight but quite regular feel fat ^_^' just my opinion

other than that its a great picutre and she is undoubtedly one of the prettiest women on the planet =P even if she is on the skinny side =)
 Sep 17 2008 03:29 AM
I think her complexion could be like that, I'm very thin as her, and I don't have any disorder, I want to win weight but I can't do it easily, it depends about your metabolism and complexion, and if you have a hard schedule (as I think they have) many times that is a factor which doesn't help you at all, I can eat very well but if I start to be under pressure or I stay awake because my homework, I start to lose weight. Maybe she has the same problem as me, well is not a problem is just our body, but yes, we should get instructions because we are in many activities all day and we spend a lot of energy.

Well that's my opinion in my case. There can be many theories about why she is like this.
 Sep 17 2008 05:08 AM
^ wegaro. you're absolutely right. hectic schedules, stress, not enough rest, and not to mention lack of sustenance is probably the reason why she's as thin as she is. though, genetics, metabolism and all that can have alot to do with it too. besides, she's still young, only 19. wait till she's my age(31) by then she'll have filled out, and all those people that complained about her being too thin will wish she was that way again.
 Legend of Spira
 Sep 17 2008 05:16 AM
Isn't she still 18?...
 Sep 17 2008 06:44 AM
^yup, she is. just realized it. sorry bout that.
 Sep 17 2008 03:59 PM
maybe she is just skinny BUT she is almost in the limit of healthy and unhealthy... i can't really tell but just hope is getting sick (that includes anorexia)