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Kusumi Koharu,

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Uploaded on 04-September 08
By Matchin' Color Gurl
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Picture size: 1489x2078
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 â˜…Shining Star★
 Sep 04 2008 07:16 AM
Aww the *CHU* lipps look jummy, and shes so naturally beauiful, look at her nails, they arent colored neither does she have cancy fake nails or shiny stuff on them, or hair glitter, she doesn't need those to stand out, she's most amazing anyway and she knows it. ^_^
 Sep 04 2008 06:52 PM
CAUTION: EXPLODING KOHARU SURPRISE CAKE PRANK! I don't think anyone can hold a candle to Koha's sly sense of humor! *BOOM!* Muahahaha!!
 Sep 05 2008 01:22 AM
Every day that I get to see new Koharu pictures feels like my birthday. She is the greatest gift Tsunku ever gave me. After being so into Rika-chan (still am) I thought that Momusu would never get another member that made my heart beat so fast. So wrong about that. I see the future and it's Koharu!!!!!
 Sep 06 2008 03:15 AM
Hurmm... I must thank Koharu for being such a good wife to me and remember that my birthday is everyday. Thanks, honey.
 Oct 10 2008 12:14 AM
LOL lurve the face!
It's all like "You want some of this cake you little sonuva-I mean my wonderful friend who plays such wonderful jokes! heeeere...... it's just for you!~<3"