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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 11-August 08
By Matchin' Color Gurl
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Aug 11 2008 09:08 AM
Something about those outfits just brought them down... and made Sayumi unphotogenic. HOW COULD ANYTHING DO SUCH A THING???!?!? Maybe the uniformity of it all?...
 Aug 11 2008 11:18 AM
are they showing like... what NOT to do? O_o
 Aug 11 2008 12:51 PM
... that's just... so wrong. Like they are all trying their best to look bored and uninterested.
 Aug 11 2008 03:43 PM
That's what rehersals are for!
Better mess up there than in the real performance!
 Aug 11 2008 06:07 PM
It's just a rehearsal, they just were fixing the dance situations.
Well, that's my opinion xD
 Aug 11 2008 07:01 PM
Just a rehersal THANK GOD
 Aug 11 2008 07:36 PM
lol sayumin! XD
 Aug 11 2008 08:28 PM
LOL! I love this! It's actually nice to see them doing something besides smiling for a change. You've gotta wonder who managed to take this picture...

Cut them some slack people...no one can be "on" all the time. This is probably the 20th time they went over this dance. Anyone would look bored after rehearsing the same thing for weeks.
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Aug 11 2008 08:40 PM
Are you saying they aren't bubbling cauldrons of smiling, silly, idol joy 24 hours a day?

The Illusion is destroyed. My world is shattered...I, I need a milkshake, or something. Strawberry would be good. ;-)
 Aug 11 2008 10:28 PM
how about a strawberry burrito? Reina loves burritos. ITS A FACT.
 ♥ Risa
 Aug 12 2008 12:39 AM
what as this for anyways?! xD
 Aug 12 2008 02:39 AM
^Looks like it was for the most recent Kouhaku.
 Aug 12 2008 03:16 AM
kinda brings me back to the famous photo of eri, risa and ai and some sort of public event. they looked so absolutely bored, it's priceless.

as for this photo, eri looks pissed, a little bit scary i must say.
 Aug 12 2008 07:22 AM
@The Incredible He-Hulk: LOL, good one!
Now don't any one dare say santa doesn't exist either, or I'll prtobobly have to kill my self!
 Aug 14 2008 12:08 AM
oh boy... the look troubled... I mean... WOOOOOOOOOOAH! Whoever had the grand idea of stuffing them in those red-horror-dresses. XD compare the pictures with and without the dresses XD I like the one without the horror a lot more!
 Aug 15 2008 08:04 PM
lmao xD

Mittsy: Neeeh~ booorred.. :u
Sayu: ok ok.. math equations... if you multiply that by that than square root..now sin that.. ho dear, must squint eyes to think '_'; now you.. OH RIGHT!! REHERSAL!
Reina: he's cute.. hate this fooking dress though..
Ai: Now, how can I kill a man today..? think, think..mental note.. kill the man who made this fluffy red tin foil...
Koha: Reina..Ai.. I'm gonna steal your spotlight one day.. and I'm gonna laugh >=]
Linlin: -ninja-
Junjun: wtf wrong with Sayu =T..
Kame: ......... oh.... hi.
Gaki: I wonder what would happen if I kissed Ai..? lulz no, nevr hapnin. Now must fink to beat Aho in supr skillz cornur. lul she fail 295 times in bookz.