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"Qian Lin, Linlin",
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Uploaded on 07-August 08
By Matchin' Color Gurl
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 Aug 08 2008 05:42 AM
...I'm sorry. She bugs me. Something about her REALLY gets under my skin... Maybe it's just how fake she acts. I've never seen a real, genuine personality from Linlin yet, and I just get the feeling that it's all business to her, or something.
 Aug 08 2008 10:25 PM
I agree! Just same with me. I really don't like Linlin. I prefer Junjun ! <3
 Aug 11 2008 08:06 PM
Well that's just rude.. how would you know that she's faking her personality?
I don't know if any of you realized it, but Linlin's been working much longer than all the other girls in MM. The reason why she doesn't say anything about that is not only does it reflect upon ufa or h!p much (in thier senses) and also that she repects ALL the members.

Even Mittsy, Reina, and Koha (which to me, their all brats, but I still ove em <3). Mittsy doesn't seem to like Linlin all too much since she's done the memory games (way back when) and even though Mittsy didn't give her a star, Linlin still had the same, respectful, personality towards Mittsy.
As for Reina..Reina seriously doesn't seem to like her one bit >_>; maybe it's cuz she likes to have respect towards her and her name. And Linlin prolly made a small accident to make Reina think differently of her.
And Koha.. well she is actually a brat o_o; I am giving her a chance though, she's funny, and painfully energetic, but she has her wrapped around herself so much that she's just seems to not pay attention to Junjun or Linlin at all(well Junjun's a brat as well).
It's understandable why Koha's like that, with all the work she has, but still, theres no reason to hate/disrespect someone unless they've done something to you.

Also that there's no reason to actually hate/disrespect someone you've never met. You gotta give them a chance.
Anyway, Linlin's only 16, and she's so far away from her family, plus she nearly had the expierence of her parents passing away (from the earthquake that happened in China a while back).
All in all, even though she's different, and the only people that have comforted her when she first joined was a total stranger and now more recently Ai, for all we know she's probobly even getting hatemail cuz of her "fake" image, she's still enduring and carrying on that same personality she had ever since she joined MM.
 Aug 12 2008 12:38 AM
I salute you, Wingates!!!
 Aug 13 2008 03:41 PM
I thanks you! -salutes back- Sir Linlin deserves to have the same amout of respect as everyone else Sir!!
(lulz, jus playing =p) thanks for agreeing <3
 Aug 14 2008 09:53 AM
While I think a lot of people agree LinLin is sincere, trying her best, not calculating, I also think a lot of people agree that she looks unnatural when she “acts” for the camera which is a nice way of saying fake as in unconvincing performance, trying too hard. Good acting is suspending disbelief and the other members are at least good enough actors or good salesmen. Of course they’re all faking it for the camera to varying degrees but if LinLin is maybe the most sincere member then it’s strange that she looks maybe the most contrived.

Wingates, using your own logic, how would you know that she’s NOT faking her personality if you’ve never met LinLin before? And why would you judge other members as brats when you just said not to judge people you haven’t met? Using the kind of empathy you save for LinLin, maybe those “brats” are merely competing for attention – the only thing they can do since they can’t have real male friends. I believe one of the side affects of the no dating rule is that the girls are more hungry for male audience approval.

If MM members are all acting, role playing for the camera, let’s agree that we don’t know how members behave in their real lives amongst their family and friends when they’re out on the town. Some members, according to you, “act” like brats on Haromoni and LinLin “acts” contrived in front of the camera.

And let’s not pretend that posting critical comments here is like posting on LinLin’s website in Chinese/Japanese. I also agree that it wouldn’t be cool for an old person to make highly critical comments of 16 year old LinLin but kaychi is also 16 so fair is fair.

Since LinLin was a seasoned child entertainer in China, I wonder if that may be part of the problem. Maybe she’s been conditioned to “act” unlike the other more naturally expressive MM members who were all eager amateurs before joining. Or maybe LinLin is what she is which is fine just not great for MM. Unlike with other HP groups, MM members are encouraged to show their individual personalities and eccentricities so members usually give you a pretty good indicator of their like-ability within the first two years.

To be fair, people hate Koharu for her exaggerated behavior and no one seems to mind Koharu bashing even though she’s also only 16. At least she looks good in front of the camera enough of the time to warrant admirers – and honestly looking good in front of the camera is one of biggest requirements for HP members. A member’s inability to consistently deliver awe inspiring photos is a pretty big liability.

You said, “there’s no reason to actually hate/disrespect someone you’ve never met.” Within reason I guess a nice thought when dealing with people in the real world but who says we’re required to meet an actor/idol/singer or any other public personality before we can form an opinion about them and their career? With an HP member’s public image being a huge part of their career. Realistically speaking we’re obviously never going to meet entertainers or get to know the real person behind the mask so that presents a problem as far as getting to know them. Does that mean therefore we can never make any critical statements about entertainers?

It’s understood that entertainers require a certain amount of ego and self absorption so, unless they’re a designated lead singer like Ai, MM members are going to compete for camera time. Haromoni is like any other reality show where they encourage conflict to excite the viewers with the added drama. But who knows what happens off camera. It’s certainly commendable that LinLin remains diplomatic in the face of everything but is diplomacy going to make her an interesting MM member? One of the things that made MM so entertaining to watch in the past was the way members would openly talk junk about each other. Of course LinLin has the language/culture barrier but still you kind of wish she had more of the necessary spunk or whatever it is that all the other MM members have had. I would prefer to be an outright fan of LinLin rather than a sympathetic supporter.

LinLin comes across as a nice traditional sincere girl devoid of any eccentricities who perhaps must push beyond her limits to create an engaging image that can compete with the other members. While a regular nice girl might be appealing to some especially in the real world, in the MM world fans just want to be entertained and amused – and apparently look at attractive photos. As much as some of us would love to like LinLin more, I’ll bet even most of her supporters will admit that they’ll probably never like LinLin as much as the other members – which would only prove my point. Even your so called bratty members are popular because they have character and they know how to pose, look attractive in front of the camera.

If you really want to impress me show some respect and make someone like LinLin your favorite member. Make respectfulness and sincerity (things we can’t see in photos) the most desirable MM traits. I want to see you go nuts for diplomatic, respectful LinLin as opposed to the other “brats” no matter how kawaii, sexy, hot, colorful they may be.
