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Hagiwara Mai,

Nakajima Saki,
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Uploaded on 03-August 08
By sayumeena
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Aug 03 2008 10:03 PM
These girls live up the the group name for sure. Cute. <33
 Aug 04 2008 12:07 AM
I think that may be Hagiwara Mai
 Aug 04 2008 12:09 AM
other people say its konatsu,I thought it was airi at first
 Aug 04 2008 12:26 AM
It looks like Airi.
 Aug 04 2008 12:29 AM
It is in fact Airi. See that freckle next to her left eye? http://www.hello-onl...es/picboard/...
 Aug 04 2008 03:29 AM
I think it's mai...beacuse by looking at where they hug each other:
*judging the length of the clothes of both, I'd say it's close or almost the same.

* it is pretty obvious that there are only 3 of them in the group with that kind of similarities in height: saki, chisato, & mai.

*while the others are taller than them, they should be the one to bend, but saki here is the one bending(a bit) here. Airi, on the other hand, would have given a clear image that she's taller than saki( look again at the pic, both C-ute members' heads are leveled).

*how about this one??
she doesn't have the little dot on her face

Finally giving me a very solid conclusion that: the two members hugging in this picture are none other than Nakajima Saki & Hagiwara Mai.

have a nice day (^_^)\/
 Aug 04 2008 03:36 AM
take care with this hand, nakasaki :O
 Aug 04 2008 04:54 AM
Lol, you're probably right baky34. I was mainly going by the freckle, but the facial features look more like Mai's. Still odd though as to why the freckle / dot is there in the same place though? And about the pic that you shown. The lighting could have changed the contrast, making the freckle not visible... It's the same photoshoot as the pic i have above, and in mine it is visible.

I will look no further into this... Besides Airi doesn't really have that freckle in any other pics i've seen of her... So I''ll stick with Mai. ^^;
 Aug 04 2008 07:49 AM
it's neither airi nor mai. it's konatsu (h!p egg)
 Aug 04 2008 03:58 PM
^It couldn't be, if it was they wouldn't be wearing pink. The girls are split by color: Musume red, Berryz blue, and C-ute pink. I think the Eggs wear a white and some other color.
 Aug 04 2008 04:36 PM
well look at the dress then. the dress is completely different from saki's dress. saki's dress is mostly pink (or purple...). the other girls' dress is white (!) with some pink or purple. but anyways screw the dresses...only face is important and the girl is definitely konatsu...or let's say it's definitely no °c-ute, berryz or mm girl
 Aug 04 2008 06:04 PM
Not Konatsu. The girl in picture is C-ute member as you can see with this picture: http://www.picamatic...view/750485_l8/ . She can't be Airi as the hairstyle is completely different. She is most likely Mai. Anyhow, we need more pictures with these outfits to be completely certain of which C-ute girl she is.
 Aug 05 2008 07:38 AM
really? well then i was wrong it seems. then i would say it's look most like kanna to me (especially because she enjoys the hug so much XD)
 Saeba Ryo
 Aug 05 2008 01:13 PM
It can't be Mai, her hat placement is wrong. Mai's is tilted toward her right. Plus Mai has her hair tied up. The feather placement in her hat is different too.
It can't be Kanna. Kanna has a white puffy thing on her left wrist. Plus Kanna's eyebrow is different.
It's definitely not Maimi , Erika or Chisato. That leaves only Airi.
 Aug 05 2008 07:23 PM
^ But Airi doesnt have the big white braclet thing (the thing with the big oval bead things) on her right wrist.
 Aug 05 2008 08:49 PM
To confuse people even more:
See the white barrette in Airi's hair?

But the girl hugging Saki seems to have much shorter (and less puffy) hair than Airi...
 Aug 05 2008 09:43 PM
I wouldnt go by the hair, cause they could be from different days. And from other concert pics (only seen tsuji ones but still) they dont always use the same hair on every concert.
 Aug 07 2008 10:40 PM
Now I'm regretting a bit that I debated Sayumeena, Urufu8, and Jennibatmanfer........
 Aug 07 2008 10:57 PM

 Aug 07 2008 11:31 PM
I've thought it was Airi from when I frist saw the picture and I still think its Airi.
I didnt even read the tags the frist time I saw
 Aug 08 2008 04:41 AM
it's not airi
her nose is huge lol
 Aug 08 2008 09:38 AM
Maimai all the way.
 Aug 09 2008 09:35 AM
http://www.filehive..../1216998557.... <-- Mai, hat on the same side as in this hugging picture, the hairband (or whatever you call it) is the same pink. Conclusion, there's more prove to the girl being Mai. If someone wants to change tags after this, that someone will have to show actual proof of the identity of the girl.

Your friendly picboard moderator Amoz.
 Aug 13 2008 08:38 AM
Its MAI.. you can tell by her nose and her smile not airi.
because airi has a bigger nose and she looks like Yuko Oshima from AKB48 from the side.