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Ishikawa Rika,

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Uploaded on 22-February 08
By ASSEMbler
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 May 21 2010 10:47 PM
Oh, wow! I've never seen this before! :o
 May 21 2010 11:13 PM
The top of that swimsuit is about to explode...... and i want to be there when that happens O.O

Am i imagining things.... or there is a little bump on the fabric of the right cup that's telling us the water was damn cold??
 May 21 2010 11:30 PM
^ No, I don't think you're imagining anything, because I see that "little bump" too! XD
(and I think it's on her left cup, but on our right! XD)
 May 21 2010 11:42 PM
^ Perspective... perspective....

She was still damn cold
 May 22 2010 12:31 AM
O.O wow
 May 22 2010 12:34 AM
the largest "insert obvious word here" in h!p, until graduation XD
 gus manson
 May 22 2010 02:58 AM
This picture of Ishikawa looks soooooo cool, I love it the way she looks.
 May 22 2010 04:29 AM
i'ma be a total buzzkill and say that "bump" is a fold in the fabric. a little lesson in wearing a bathing suit is that you have to kinda push the "girls" upward a little bit to make it more comfortable. (that's for the more "endowed" women) so, unless her nipple is way off to the side, which i doubt it is, i'm sticking with my answer. ps, rika looks really pissed off, but incredibly sexy all at the same time.
 May 22 2010 04:53 AM
^ AAAAWWWWWWW!!!!! : ( : (

OK, i believe you; you're a girl after all
 May 22 2010 04:54 AM
it is a fold, it's where the fabric is folded to give the cups a more boobie-contouring shape. you can see a fold on the left side too. and it looks like her boobin on the right side is slightly larger than the other :O
 May 22 2010 04:56 AM
That is one suggestive fold!
 May 22 2010 05:07 AM
 May 22 2010 09:21 AM
@Glasseyelashes & Sockbeam:

You girls are probably right, so let's switch our attention to another part of her body! XD