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Uploaded on 09-March 12
By sunshine0823
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Picboard: Hello!Project 


 Mar 09 2012 08:46 PM
"It's pronounced Eye-gore..."
 Mar 09 2012 11:11 PM
^ It's pronounced rude jerk... Grow up really.
 Mar 10 2012 04:22 AM
^ Ad hominem attacks are not particularly mature. I have nothing against anyone with a disability. Jokes about... well, nearly everything are commonplace on the picboard... if you think my sense of humor is dark or edgy, I assure you I'm tame compared with some others here in that respect (most of my jokes are racy but not "dark"), and I'm not condemning them either.

The first thing I noticed was the man's unusual facial expression and facial hair, which I found a bit "creepy", so when I noticed his back also, the joke naturally occurred to me. If I were him, I would dress up as that character for Halloween. It's called a sense of humor.

I would add, for example, that I make many jokes about mental illness, something I have suffered from in very "serious" ways, but I can laugh at it.
 Mar 10 2012 06:40 AM
Basement troll. He needs to go on the keto diet, get some style and self respect.
 Mar 10 2012 06:58 AM
^ I respect myself and I don't troll (that is saying something to provoke a reaction... I was merely saying a random thing that came into my mind).

I also love how you make all sorts of "insensitive" statements and assumptions about me when you are trying to take the "high ground" in being "sensitive".
 Mar 10 2012 07:33 AM
Oikaze your worrying to much about what other people think, Most of us that have been here for a long time understand you and your way of thinking so don't let some random internet people get you down.
 Mar 10 2012 07:36 AM
I can smell the b.o. from here
 Bex Bissell
 Mar 10 2012 08:14 AM
^ Seriously some people need to get off their high-horse. Oikaze, don't pay attention to the humorless trolls above trying to act all high and mighty. Keep up the great work, man, the silent majority here on the picboard are behind you 110%!
 Mar 10 2012 10:27 AM
A thing to consider: if that guy is such a big Momo wota, he probably visits H!O and reads the nasty comments :O
 Mar 10 2012 12:39 PM
I wouldn't expect less from a Momo wota
 Mar 10 2012 02:31 PM
i got to say thats some of the most stupidest backlash over a relatively harmless comment ive seen in a long time.
 Mar 10 2012 04:24 PM
The funny moment when you realize the guy in the pic is actually Oikaze and he was just making fun of himself