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Natsuyaki Miyabi,
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Uploaded on 27-November 11
By sunshine0823
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jan 05 2012 07:30 PM
I don't understand why UFA doesn't give her a new PB?? She's super beautiful <3
 Jan 05 2012 07:45 PM
^ UFA! That's why... (i guess)
 Jan 05 2012 08:01 PM
Because she was caught with a boy, she's lucky they didn't fire her.
 Jan 05 2012 08:35 PM
official statement said it wasn't her (whether this is true or not shouldn't matter at this point), and it doesn't seem like the wota hate her since she doesn't get any booing...I don't think that's the reason ^^
 Jan 05 2012 08:45 PM
Well, if she really was caught with a boy or not, I could fully comprehend Miyabi's feelings. She is a teenage girl for crying out loud, they should give her some slack. I would never hate on her because of something silly like this. Miya <3 !
 Jan 05 2012 09:39 PM
That did turn out to be false. The girl that was caught wasn't Miyabi but another famous girl, I think she was an actress but I may have wrong, she looks almost the same as Miyabi when she is closing her eyes, and she had the same face structure. The pictures were blurry and dark. I have seen the pictures myself, and I was ''there'' when the news came out, on H!O that is xD

so I don't think it's because of that scandal since it wasn't true ^_^
 Jan 05 2012 09:40 PM
that was a long time ago. and i agree, she should get a photobook
 Jan 05 2012 10:07 PM
I've been wondering about that for a long time. Miya is one of the most popular members (at least I think so, I could be wrong) so I think her photobook would sell well (compared to other H!P members) and that should be the only thing that really matters to UFA (UFG).
 Jan 05 2012 10:11 PM
What if she doesn't want one? What if she didn't enjoy shooting the first one? Because honestly, the only answer I can think of for why she doesn't have another PB is because maybe she doesn't want one.
 Jan 05 2012 10:47 PM
Or she doesn't have enough fan.
 Jan 05 2012 10:48 PM
then it's okay ^_^ I don't want Miyabi to feel uncomfortable....
 Jan 05 2012 11:47 PM
^ Miya, not enough fans? XD Made my day.
 Jan 06 2012 11:24 AM
^ -_-;;; ,IJIWARUI~ (MEANIE~) ;(
 Jan 06 2012 02:56 PM
Chimai has an excellent point. I've also been wondering why there's only one Miya PB... It would sell like crazy, since she's so popular, so that can't be the reason. So chances are she just doesn't want to do one.