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Ikuta Erina,
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Uploaded on 09-August 11
By sunshine0823
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Tags: Ikuta Erina 

 Aug 18 2011 08:16 PM
Am I the only one who is finding it a little strange that she is now sporting a haircut that is similar to the one Eri wore for the longest time?

Though I do love it on her, it makes her look older,. I see a lot of Eri within her.
 Aug 18 2011 08:20 PM
^ so do i.
 Aug 18 2011 08:23 PM
^ Which Eri are you talking about?
 Aug 18 2011 08:28 PM
^Isn't there only one Eri? Kamei?
 Aug 18 2011 08:31 PM
^ It's also a common nickname / there are most likely thousands of other girls with that name, including MANY in other groups or fandoms I'm a part of. And I'm not a big MM fan, sorry I guess.
 Aug 18 2011 08:45 PM
I know only two idol Eris, both has retired already (the other one is my 9th gen (AKB48 of course) first love, Takamatsu Eri). It's not very common name.
 Aug 18 2011 08:59 PM
Actually, I see that the other members of MM sometimes call KY "Eri-chan" too
 Aug 18 2011 09:11 PM
EDIT - This too.

^ The point I was trying to make is I've seen a lot of girls named Eri or nicknamed Eri, and as such just saying "Eri" wasn't something that stuck Eri Kamei in particular, to the front of my mind.
 Aug 18 2011 10:56 PM
^ I understand your point, I was just talking aloud to myself.... :D
 Aug 23 2011 10:24 PM
Yeah... I only follow H!P (I'm not interested in AKB48) so there's only one person I could have been taking about, MM:OG's Eri. Eri's not really a safe nickname to use for either Erina since it can get pretty confusing.