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Komori Mika,

Sato Sumire,
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Uploaded on 26-July 11
By lalasoso
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Picboard: AKB48 

 Jul 26 2011 07:37 PM
My gosh... I'm not the only one who notices that the girl in the back looks EXACTLY like Sayumi?
 Jul 26 2011 07:53 PM
Suuchan? I don't see it. Some people think Aki-cha looks like Sayu too, but I don't see it either. *shrugs*
 Jul 26 2011 07:56 PM
Suuchan doesn't look like Sayu o.o
 Jul 26 2011 08:45 PM
Komori doesn't look like Sayu either. o.o :D
 Jul 26 2011 10:17 PM
Akicha doesn't look like Sayu either o.o :D XD
 Jul 26 2011 10:49 PM
The only two idols I think they faintly look like Sayu are Shinozaki Ai and Sazaki Mami (Scandal)...
but then again...
in Shinozaki's case it's the eyes and smile the rest, she's way bigger than Sayu

and Mami, well, Sayu is her toppest idol so it might be that she tries to look like her!

amongst the 48ers maaaaayybeee Haruna when they first started in 2005~2006 but still nope, none looks like Sayu!
 Jul 26 2011 11:00 PM
Shiorin looks like Sayu at certain times.
 Jul 26 2011 11:14 PM
Shiorin from Team E????

Yeah.. forgot entirely about her (shame on me! XD)...
she does resemble Sayu a little, but to me she looks more like Sakuraba Nanami from Bump.y...
 Jul 26 2011 11:17 PM
^ Uff, which one? Amongst the Shiorins (Nakamata Shiori, Ogiso Shiori) I know noone looks like Sayu, or maybe I just haven't seen those certain times...

^ You mean Kinchan?
 Jul 26 2011 11:24 PM
Nakamata Shiori of Team 4.

And there's actually threads on 2ch about her and Sayumi looking alike.
 Jul 26 2011 11:30 PM
^ Even hundreds of billions of threads won't change anything about the fact I don't see it. :D
 Jul 26 2011 11:31 PM
This is true, just referring to how there are many who think they look alike :P
 Jul 26 2011 11:40 PM
@ stany

Yup! I meant Kinchan...

Ah! Shiorin Team 4... No, I don't see it either but never the less everytime I see her she takes my breath away, just like Sayu does, so may not look alike to me but she does have the "Sayumi Effect"!!!

She's perfectly beautiful!
 Jul 26 2011 11:53 PM
There are so many Shioris that I was lost at first but since Krusha wrote Shiorin (and he doesn't make mistakes here), only those two used that nickname to my knowledge. That's why I was surprised you mentioned Team E.

Shiroin is really very pretty, I'm glad she was promoted to Team 4. But her personality is quite different than Sayu's, so I really can't see anything similar between them.

BTW the only two that really look alike to me are Kimoto Kanon and young Airi from Aa! times.
 Jul 27 2011 12:07 AM
The one in the back looks like early Sayu... absorb her aura... there is something very Sayuesque there.
 Jul 27 2011 12:22 AM
^ Sayu or not, it doesn't change the fact she's an awesome girl and one of the cutest idols out there. Check her other pics, you're going to die in awe from so much cuteness. :D
 Morning Death
 Jul 27 2011 12:56 AM
Sumire looks quite like Gakisan, a more cheeky Gakisan. And like I have said a couple of times here, I bet 999 virtual dollars that that was the reason she did not advance further in the Morning Musume audition.
 Jul 27 2011 01:30 AM
She doesn't look like Sayu or Gaki and the reason she wasn't selected for Momusu is the UFA management's complete lack of good taste. I didn't like it at the time but now I thank the gods every day that she is in AKB48 and has a bright future ahead of her.
 Jul 27 2011 02:50 AM
^ "Lack of good taste"? ROFL yeah right. Just because they didn't choose Suuchan doesn't mean they don't have good taste in idols.

About Shiorin, she does kind of look like Sayu. The 2nd reply in her thread on S48 is "It's Sayumi!" and the 3rd person said they thought it was her, too. xD Their smile & nose are similar. I think their smiles look alike because they both have kind of small mouths.

^ For those who don't know her. although that pic is kind of old.
 Morning Death
 Jul 27 2011 03:50 AM
Malachite now that you wrote that comment I realized that I did not have that opinion and that in fact I see no resemblance between Risa and Sumire and that I was wrong about my Sumire's audition speculation since you have provided something that has more weight than my speculation: a speculation.
 Aug 07 2011 04:16 PM
Glad to be of help.