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Kumai Yurina,

Sugaya Risako,

Natsuyaki Miyabi,

Sudou Maasa,

Tsugunaga Momoko,

Shimizu Saki,

Tokunaga Chinami,

Berryz Koubou,
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Uploaded on 18-July 11
By sunshine0823
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jul 19 2011 04:44 AM
They stole that idea from Miss A!
 Jul 19 2011 04:52 AM
This looks like a James Bond intro... or Austin Powers... XD
 Jul 19 2011 05:05 AM
 Jul 19 2011 05:28 AM
^ *Eep* Could there be a lawsuit over that?

If I were the one who came up with a concept and had it ripped off I'd demand every cent earned from it- or punitive damages, whichever was likely to be more... unless the laws are different in Japan from what they were in 1980's America (I watched many episodes of a community college show that taught me some business law, but it was an old show) and one can claim both from the same defendant.
 Jul 19 2011 05:34 AM
Miss A uses a plain board with a static silouette (not even sure if it was the girls' silouette) which rotates to reveal the girls.

Berryz had a LCD Panel which projected a non-static video of their silouette. The panel doesn't rotate. The girls walked out from behind the panels.
I don't see the similarity at all.

Infact Oikaze's reference to James Bond is more relavant >_<
 Jul 19 2011 10:07 PM
^Same they're both different and anyway even if it was the same I'm sure somewhere else in the world another group may have used the same concept.
 Jul 20 2011 05:28 PM
lol I don't think they "stole" the idea from miss A. Anyways, lovely pic <3